Topsy Turvy Obsession

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Author's Note: My imagination is endless and this is a pairing that I have wanted to do for a long time now. This is my second favorite ship of all time with my first being Lita/Trish, that's what got me onto this site in the first place. I never thought of an idea that would do this pairing justice. I could have taken the route that people wrote before, but where's the fun in that? Now I have no idea how long this is going to be, I was originally going to make this a long one-shot but I think four or five shorter parts would be better. Anyways, hope you enjoy part one, see you at the bottom!

Pairing: Psycho Mickie/Trish

Rating: T that could change at a later time..

I only own Daisy sadly and the rest of the characters used belong to WWE and what not.. This is Femslash, did you expect anything else?

Trish's POV

March 2006..

"Trish! Trish!" A voice shouted my name that I dreaded hearing, one that always managed to send a shiver down my spine. I couldn't seem to escape this woman even if it was for a couple minutes, not even seconds it seems like. Everywhere I look, everywhere I go backstage, I have this weird sense that a pair of eyes are always on me. This overwhelming sense of paranoia haunts me every second of my life whether it be awake or asleep. She's like a leech that I can't get rid; mainly because I am not mean enough to put my foot down. I get it, the girl's in love with me and I will never return those feelings for her. She's young, and I am hoping that the brunette would grow out of this puppy love. But sadly, what was childish love has grown into an unhealthy obsession that makes me tremble in my core. This wasn't suppose to happen, it was suppose to stay strictly in the storyline. I wouldn't have accepted this if I had known that this was going to happen. I wasn't even the first choice, so does that mean it would have happened to who the storyline was originally pitched for? I wouldn't wish this one even my worst enemy, even if she was formerly my best friend. I can't avoid my obsessor no matter what I do, and it's been like this for months now. With a small sigh escaping me, I turned around to face the brunette with a fake smile across my lips. "There you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!" The manner in which she spoke to me was similar to a parent finding a child after they wandered off in a store. She practically tackled me into an embrace and wrapped her arms around my shoulder so I couldn't get away from her. Did I get the chance to mention how overly affectionate and clingy this woman is? It's super fucking annoying and I don't swear a lot.

"Hey M-Mickie, easy.. easy. I am right here." I remember to speak in a gentle tone as I grabbed her arms and placed them back down to her sides. Those dark brown eyes blinked innocently at me before looking down at her arms. She doesn't understand that I hate being touched or how I hate whenever people invade my personal space uninvited. I wish that I wasn't but there is nothing that I can do about it now. Mickie James was one of RAW's newer divas, coming to the company in October of last year so about five months ago. And instantly she was thrusted into a storyline with myself as my super fan. Now for a rookie I always thought that her acting skills were phenomenal, she played this lovable but creepy character so well. But what I didn't know was, this was who Mickie James truly was. An obsessive psychopath that was hell bent on destroying anything and anyone until she gets whatever she wants. Whenever we did our first segment together, Mickie said something about all the letters she had written me. They were real, I have over a couple hundred letters from this woman. I thought the name was just a coincidence at first, she seemed like a total sweetheart. Boy was I stupid, her name was unique. "What's the matter, Mickie?"

"Oh my god, Trish, I am so happy to see you. I didn't know where you went off too. One second you were talking to Victoria and Ashley over at catering and next second poof, you were gone. I thought something horrible had happened to you." I was surprised that I could understand a single word of what left the young woman's mouth. She was speaking so fast and her hands were moving around just as fast. Wait a second, how in the hell did she know I was talking to Lisa and Ashley at catering? She was stalking me, wasn't she? Honestly, this shouldn't surprise me at this point, it's a daily thing. "I am so glad that you are okay! I missed you!" The brunette bounced hyperactivity up and down as once again the psychopath tried to embrace me but I put my hand up in front of her. "Trish?" Mickie cocked her head once again fluttering those so called innocent eyes of hers. "Something wrong?"

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