Chapter 9

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Irene POV :

Its been a week now I haven't saw Taehyung. Why he is not coming to school? I really didn't had any idea. I'm was si worried for him. I feeling so lonely without him and as my partner. I am so alone. And without best friend I feel like I'm in desert. For whole week I was not able to concentrate on studies. My brain was not thinking anything else rather than Taehyung.

(For so many days I haven't saw you taehyung. why aren't you're  coming to school? Is he really that sick? I'm feeling so uneasy...  What are you doing to me Kim Taehyung why this heart is beating more for you?My eyes really want to see you.I miss everything of yours. I like to smell your scent. I like the way you talk to me. I like your warm smile. l like the way you touch me its too soft and gental. I think.....I think really I'm in love with you Kim Taehyung.... )

“Irene where have you lost??".... My teacher's voice interpret me from my lovey dovey thoughts. I fleanch at her voice and concentrate back on my book.

Now whatever it may happen I will first ask him why he didn't come up for a days and than I'll tell him  what my heart feels for him....

Taehyung's POV :

I came out of the hel- I'm sorry from house... And started to walk towards my school road. Thinking about what reactions will my friends will give when I'll tell them, that ‘I'm getting married??'

After walking for 15minutes I reached at school. I waited outside of the school gate to school get over. I waited there till 5:30 and school bell rang as all students rushed out of the school. My eyes were only finding to Jimin and Irene but they were no where to see. As  than I saw a familiar figure. And smile came across my lips it was my dwarf my Jiminii..

His eyes got on me and he came running towards me. He hugged me so tightly “Ugh..ah.. Jimin-n I can't... breathe..... " He hugged me so tightly that my oxygen got stopped. He broke the hug and looked at me his eyes it was teary.
“Where have you hided your ass for so many days Tae??? You pabo!!..." He said and hit my shoulder. “Ouw!! Actually I was sick for a week that's why didn't turned up to school..." I explain but he frown.

“Why? You didn't think that this was too important to inform your friends?? At least you should call us..." He said with pout. Now what answer should I give him that nonna has taken my phone for ‘that' reason.

“Hey!! Where have you lost?? Answer me" He aays. “Okay let it be  what are you doing here??" He asked and suddenly as I got popped up in my mind that for what reason I had came here. “Ohh I'm so sorry I have came here for some reason..." I said and open my carry bag and remove the card and place it in fort of him.

“What is this? A..a card? For what?" He asked I smile and blink my both eyes togather. I just hope he'll feel happy for this...... And I spoke up “This is my wedding invitation card Jiminee...." I said with a smile as uncomfortable silence took place.  After few seconds he spoke up “Are you kidding me dude?? Do I look fool to you?? See dude today is not first aprli. Than why are you maki-" I'm getting married for real!!Jimin hyung..." I cut him off ans he stayed quite. His eyes got tear up again with what seriousness I spoke.

“But why Taehyung?" He asked in choked voice. “Actually it has a big reason that I can't explain you now....and plus this is an unbelievable thing to me too and  that no one can also believe it.... But still you have to come on my wedding... Now no reason okay" I fake giggled. “Hey by the way were is Irene?" I tried to change topic and thought too light up his tensed up mood.

“She said that she have to do some extra studys, so I guess she'll come late...." He said in low voice. “Oh that's the case....OK fine I'll wait for her till she comes." I said.

“But Taehyung now there is no one here, all have went back to their home. What will you do all alone over here? Don't worry I'll give you company..... " He suggest. “No need hyung you can go home or else my mom will yelled at me." I explained.

“Your mom? Why she'll yell at you?" He asked. “Because if you don't go early at home and if you didn't give this card to your mother than your mom will contact to my mom and  my mom will yelled at me...." I explained. “Wait does my mom know it already??" He asked in confused. “Yes!..." I replied. “ What? How??" He asked.

“My mom had personally contact to yours and Irene's family. She didn't told you??" I asked. “No" he said. “Okay fine but now you know right so go home fast and hand this to your mother." “But tae-" “No buts..." I cut him off and push him forward to run. “OK fine I'll go..." he said and he gave me a last hug “Take care of yourself." He said and walked away I wave at him and he wave back.

Now what should I do? am all alone over here no one is there barely two-three students to be seen. I walk inside the school ground and sat on seesaw. (Oh wow!!! how beautifully the sun was seting ) I thought to myself. I close my eyes and enjoyed the cold wind which was touching my skin. I felt so relax and tensed free. But someone called me and interprets my relaxation.

Author's POV:

“Taehyung!!!!.... " Someone called and he open his eyes. The girl started to run towards him. “Taehyung!!!" She said and hugged him tightly and he also hugged her back. “I'm sorry I didn't turn up for so many days...." He said in hug and patted her head. She broke the hug and stared into his eyes and Taehyung give her warm smile. She blush and looked down

“By the way I want to say something." They both said togather and giggles. “Ok first you." Irene said. “No Irene first you..." said Taehyung. “No Taehyung first you." She said. “OK fine if you don't want to say than its ok than I also don't tell you what I want to say!!..."  He pout by folding his hands across and face his back at her. “Okay sorry... Look at me..."she said and tried to pull his arm but he didn't turned around.

So finally she grip on his arm and make him turn around to face her. And without wasting any time she attacked on his lips....

To be continued....


Thanks for reading....

Sorry for grammatical mistakes....

Luv you'll.....

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