Chapter One

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"Earth to Will."

A handful of long fingers waggled in front of Will Brody's nose, making him blink. Bass beats filled the dimly lit kitchen where Will sat slumped at the table as his best friend's face materialized from the shadows.

"You okay?" Josh's eyebrows knitted together. "'Cause you look a little spaced out. If you need to get out of here, just tell me. Seriously, it's fine."

Someone opened the fridge and light spilled out, illuminating the silver 3 that nestled in the depths of Josh's left pupil.

Will breathed in once. Twice. Then forced a grin.

"Nah, I'm good. Really." Shaking his head, he avoided looking Josh directly in the eye. "I was just trying to remember if I locked up before I left the house. No worries."

His shoulders lifted into a good-natured shrug but the fingers on his right hand betrayed him, clutching his beer bottle so tight its label began to sweat.

The fridge door closed, Josh's face returned to darkness, and his number faded from sight. Pausing, he scanned Will's face for a second before his lips split into a wide grin.

"That's my boy!" Josh's voice was a shaken cocktail of excitement and relief. "The night's ours, buddy. C'mon, let's light this party up!" Reaching out, he clinked Will's beer in a makeshift toast and chugged his own bottle back with enthusiasm.

Will closed his eyes as he drank. The numbers were hard to see at night and partying was more fun when he could pretend they didn't exist. He'd have given anything to make them disappear, but that didn't seem an option in the crappy hand of cards he called life.

Not even close.

With a flourish, Josh pulled a dishtowel from the oven door and tied it around his neck, like a mini checkered super-cape. Cracking a mischievous grin, he whispered through the side of his mouth, "Hey, Will. Watch this." Climbing up on a chair, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted across the crowded room, "Yo! Everybody! Yeah, I'm talking to you!"

Will cringed. Josh's antics were spontaneous and often reckless. It didn't seem to matter how many times Will told him to just be careful, goddammit; it was like he couldn't help himself. As close as they were, their personal philosophies were divided -- Will wanted nothing to do with fate while Josh chased after it, daring it to bite his ass.

Clearing his throat dramatically, Josh snatched the room's attention. "Listen up, y'all! Super Joshie's got a very special treat for you tonight that I promise you won't want to miss!" With a flourish of his dish towel cape, he pointed at the patio doors. "Follow me, friends. The pool awaits!" Leaping down onto the ceramic tile, he disappeared into the backyard.

With a sigh, Will set his beer down on the counter and joined the group trailing Josh into the night. Looking out across the inground pool, dimly lit with submerged lights, his eyes adjusted to the dark sky, accented by the soft glow of lanterns that dotted the patio stones.

Come on, Josh. Where are you?

"Hey! Playas! Look up at your mofo hero!"

Following the sound of his friend's voice, Will spotted Josh standing on the rooftop.

Shit. Maybe he had more to drink than I thought.

Will wiped sweaty palms against his jeans and pushed through the crowd. If there was a boneheaded decision to be made, Josh would sniff it out and follow its crooked path almost anywhere.

It had gotten worse, his addiction to adrenaline. Will had been sure he'd tone it down after Alex died, but Josh's stunts seemed to have festered instead.

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