Chapter Three

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His hand hovered mid-air, failing to connect with Skye's outstretched fingers. The can dropped between them, bouncing off the ceramic tiles – popping, hissing and fizzing on the kitchen floor.

"Uh... Will? Are you okay? You look a little strange." She reached out to touch his arm, brows knitting together in concern. Her 1 flashed so brightly it made him flinch. Ears ringing, stomach-turning, the room spun off-kilter around him.

"I ... don't feel well all of a sudden," he croaked and took a step backwards, blurting a lame excuse about being prone to sunstroke before taking off out the back door. Pushing himself through the deepening dusk, he gulped for air as he stumbled home. Scratching at his pocket to grab his keys, he turned the lock and burst inside, sagging against the door. Nothing was louder than his ragged breathing and ramming heart.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Skye doesn't look sick, could she be sick? Her 1 practically glowed when he looked at her, though, so she seemed strong. Could she be some kind of closeted daredevil worse than Josh on steroids? Based on her responsible behavior, he highly doubted it. How could she be a 1? Will's brain raced as he slid down onto the floor. His body was slick with cold sweat and a shiver crawled down his neck. He hated knowing. It was too much.

I can't watch this again. The last time he'd seen a 1, it had stared back at him from Alex's left pupil. Will blinked as an image of his best friend bloomed behind his eyes. Alex's hair was dark against the white pillowcase, his mouth determined to smile despite how much effort it took, his hand so frail it trembled as he clasped Will's fingers.

Appearing in the hallway, Toby cocked his head and trotted over to nudge his master's leg. Sighing, he lay down and leaned his head on Will's lap.

"Toby." Will's voice cracked as he breathed his name. Fingers shaking, he reached for the dog's warm fur and slowly his heartbeat began to calm. The rhythmic sound of Toby's panting helped blow painful thoughts of Alex's last days away.  They sat together on the floor until the setting sun painted the hallway a deep sepia and Will's stomach began to growl. Running a hand through his hair, he sighed and finally pushed himself up to standing.

Padding to the kitchen with Toby by his side, he filled the dog's bowl and made himself some peanut butter toast. Camping out in the living room, he played a slew of video games to numb his aching brain. Around 9:30, Toby dropped his leash at Will's feet, reminding him to get on with their nightly walk.

"Pretty hard to hide from the world with you around, boy." He ruffled Toby's golden fur and grabbed his leash before they stepped out into the night; the sky was like a damp blanket, punctured with stars. Will did his best to clear his mind as Toby's nose sniffed the edges of the sidewalk along their regular route.

Ten minutes later, they found themselves approaching Shelby's house. Walking closer, Will saw the woman from the other night, presumably Skye's mom, sitting in a white wicker chair on the front porch. Light cast over her from the open window; she was pretty and pale with the same long, lean build as Skye, but blond instead of dark. She appeared deep in thought with a pensive look on her face. When Toby woofed a hello, she startled, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist. Will gave her a quick wave, and she raised an elegant hand in response, flashing him her daughter's grin. He shivered and walked on.


On Sunday morning, Will slept in until eleven and lounged by the TV, comforted by sugary cereal, Netflix, and Toby snoring by his feet. A knock on the door made him jump up, swipe at his bedhead, and throw a T-shirt over his shoulders before heading down the hall to investigate.

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