Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Jack finds me before I find him.

"Everything alright?" he asks me. I hesitate, but shrug. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?" I nod, not wanting to talk about it. He hands me a cup, and I take it. He takes a sip from his own cup and sighs. I do the same and cringe a little. "Oh, come on. It's not that strong," Jack tells me with a chuckle.

I shake my head. "It's not that. I just thought about the last time I had beer at a party like this."

He stays silent, and I sigh deeply. "It's strange, how much things can change in such a quick moment."

"Yeah," he says quietly. We both stay quiet, and I excuse myself, placing the cup on the counter. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom." He nods. "Okay." I walk past him and make my way up the stairs towards the guest bathroom.

"Sorry," I say as I bump into someone on the way up. "S'okay." I look up to find Aaron staring down at me with a red Solo cup in his hand. I step past him, but he grabs my hand. "Hannah," he says.

"What?" I snap.

"Please don't act like this." I stay silent and look away. "I want to be good enough for you. I need to be good enough for you. How am I supposed to show you that if you don't even look at me?" I shiver, knowing that I'm hurting him, wishing that I didn't care but knowing that I do. I shake my head and look back towards him with tears in my eyes.

Something about the way he's talking to me today makes my throat dry and my heart speed up. The way he said he loves me-

My thoughts are interrupted by his lips touching mine. I open my mouth and put my hands around his neck, embracing him. "Hannah," he says against my lips. "Mhm," I respond back as my feet start to walk back up the stairs. He pulls back, and we keep walking.

Soon enough, we're in a room. Aaron pushes the door closed and presses his lips against mine, pulling me against him.

I kiss him back, my tears finally drying from my eyes. He pulls apart and picks up a cup by the bed stand. He tips it back and swallows whatever beer is left over, throws it on the ground beside him, and kisses me again, this time, his hand brushes my collarbone.

I squirm, knowing that I was an idiot for trusting him. He's drunk- he was when we were on the stairs and he still is right now.

I feel his hand find its way under my shirt. "No," I say. He ignores me as he pushes me onto the bed.

I bend my knees, trying to protect myself, but he falls on top of me, moving closer and closer until he finds my dress' zipper. "Stop," I plead, but yet again he ignores me.

I struggle and try to push away but he grabs my hands and puts his knees on top of them, keeping me from flailing. He pulls my dress off, and my breath quickens. I start to cry, begging for him not do this, but I know that there is no way of stopping him.

I am powerless.

He gropes my boob and kisses me, sucking the skin on my neck. "No," I say again, but my voice is too quiet. "No," I say again, louder this time.

His hands go to my underwear, pulling it down. "Is this good enough for you?" he says into my neck. "Is it?"

I sob, crying for help, but his lips block my pleas.

Finally, he stops. My face is wet with tears and I can barely move. Aaron steps off the bed and walks out without another word, shutting the door behind him and leaving me here.

I pull my underwear up, my wrists shaking. A sob escapes my mouth. I turn to my side and place my face in my hands.

The only thing I am able to do is cry.

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