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joshuahong951230 throwback 2 when someone was busy learning their lines

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joshuahong951230 throwback 2 when someone was busy learning their lines


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woozi_universefactory: at least the caption isn't something stupid like 'mY kInG1!1!!!1"

replying to woozi_universefactory 

sound_of_coups: hmm :)))))

woozi_universefactory: o fuck what did i get myself into.

xuminghao_o: whats the point of having reading glasses when he never wears them ffs




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1004.yoon ur local christian boy


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pledis_boos: i can be ur angle :)) or ur devel ;<

seokseokmin: was doing less than christian things last night :)

replying to seokseokmin

joshuahong951230: this is why we cant have nice things




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wonu.jeon performance of a liFetime


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joshuahong951230: wow my KiNg ,,, love of mY liFE,, beAutiful man of my DreAms.

replying to joshuahong951230

seokseokmin: are u ok??

chwenotchew: better acting than joshua acting straight in front of his grandparents. 

replying to chwenotchew

seokseokmin: it's an honour to be of such an esteemed level of acting wow thank you



joshuahong951230 sweeter than sweet

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joshuahong951230 sweeter than sweet


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1004.yoon: i cant tell if josh is being cute or joking but anEwayz

huihui_moon: bts sunbaenims are quaking

replying to huihui_moon

bighit_official: can confirm lmaooo

min9yu_k: who gave jungkook permission to use the group account



pledis_boos "seokmin hyung is leaving you for jungkook hyung" ft joshua's response

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pledis_boos "seokmin hyung is leaving you for jungkook hyung" ft joshua's response


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1004.yoon: who knew it be that easy lol

seokseokmin: who knew I'D be that easy lmao

wonu.jeon: dispatch bout to be on yALLS asses 

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