Chapter 2

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Luna's POV

I woke up from the sound of someone doing the dishes.

It was Jose.

"Jose." I croaked. My throat was on fire.

He turned around and quickly walked over to me.

Placing a hand on my forehead, he sighed.

"You still have a temperature, and now your throat too.. poor baby." He practically cooed. I smiled at how kind he was treating me.

"Brock is out to get some medicine, until then I'll make you some breakfast."

I shook my head and mouthed "No".

"You have to eat to get better, I'll make sure to find you something you can eat that won't hurt your throat." He went to the kitchen and returned with a bowl of yogurt.

I was too weak to even pick up the spoon, directly dropping it when Jose placed it in my hand.

I felt so weak and useless. I was probably getting so emotional because I was sick, but I felt some tears flow down my cheek.

"What wrong my love?" Jose asked with a sad expression.

"I just feel so helpless." I said in barely a whisper.

"That is why I'm gonna take care of you, here." He fed me a spoon of the Yogurt.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Of course." He whispered back and beamed with happiness, seeing me smile.

Brock's POV

I gave Luna the medicine which made her really sleepy and pass out for many hours.

I held her hand the whole time she slept. She looked even more delicate now that she was sick, which worried me.

"Jose, I think Luna might be seriously ill." I said with a worried feeling in my stomach.

"I mean, she is just so light and delicate already and I asked the other people who were on the tour that got the virus, they reported that everyone just got a small cold.."

"You are right, maybe we should take her to a doctor?" He offered.

"I'll go make an appointment, you take care of her until then." He got his phone and called the doctor.

Shortly after he returned.

"They said we can come by now if we want to." I nodded and picked Luna up.

"You drive, I'll stay in the back with her."

I guess the noise of the car woke her up, she looked confused so I explained her that we were going to the doctor. She sleepily nodded and fell back asleep in my arms.

When we arrived they placed her in a wheelchair so they could move her around from place to place better.

She was still half asleep when they did all the tests on her.

Jose and I might be her foster parents, but the doctors said that only blood related family could be with her during the examination.

Jose was clearly stressed because he was clenching his fists and had a worried expression on his face.

"Come here babe, relax." I calmed him and pulled him closer to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Mr Hayhoe, would you and your partner please come into the examination room?" Jose immediately shot up and we both followed the doctor.

To our surprise, Luna was sitting up straight and seemed more awake and energetic than before.

"Don't let this fool you, I gave her a high dose of Ibuprofen which causes her not to feel the pain her illness is creating." The doctor said and my smile fell.

Jose took a seat next to Luna and I did the same, both of us holding her hand.

"Luna has a very weak immune system. She informed me that the past 4 years of her life have been filled with neglect. This also means that she has not seen a doctor in those years and also was not given the correct nutrition, thus resulting in her immune system to weaken." The doctor explained and we all listened very carefully.

"I suggest her taking vitamin supplements and also taking this medication until she feels better, so her condition will not worsen." The doctor hands me a bunch of bottles filled with pills.

"And you young lady make sure to eat 3 nutritious meals a day and drink plenty of water." The doctor warned, then turned to the door and left.

"Well, that was something." Luna said, with a small giggle.

Jose smiled the second Luna giggled which was such an adorable trait of his. He was instantly happy when he saw her happy.

"Don't talk too much though, you know once the pain medication wares off your throat will hurt again." 

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