Chapter One

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I woke up to my mum yelling my name from outside my bedroom door.

"Annabelle! The bus comes in 10 minutes you're going to be late!"

Oh shit. Not again. I shot out of bed and ran over to my closet and grabbed tbe first Jeans and shirt I saw that were clean and ran over to the bathroom, tripping over some piles of clothes a long the way. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in the neatest ponytail I could make in less than a minute. I rushed down the stairs to be greeted by mum.

"Annabelle there's no time for breakfeast. Go grab a granola bar so you can eat it later. Your bookbags on the couch."

"Thanks mum."

I smiled at her and grabbed my backbag on the way to the door. I put on my vans waiting for me by the doorstep when I looked out the window to see the bus pullung up.

"Bye mum!" I yelled to my mum from the living room.

"Bye sweetie! Have fun!" Yeah, sure.

I walked to the bus taking my time so I won't look like I was such in a hurry, which I'm really not, I completely despise school. Don't get me wrong I actually kind of like learning, it's just the people I don't like. Especially the bullies.

I walked in the bus and was greeted by the bus driver and I smiled at her as a way of hello.

I walked over to the middle of the bus and sat on one of the empty seats.

I was usually the last stop, so I was surprised when the bus driver stopped in front of another house.

A guy who looked about my age, who looked really tall, walked out of the house. The doors on the bus opened and the guy walked in and looked around for an open seat. I also looked around to see if there were any open seats, but the only open seat was next to me. Nearly everyone on the bus stared at him as he approached my seat. I heard people whispering, probably about the fact that someone actually sat next to me.

"Hello! I'm Ashton." Ashton told me loud enough for only me to hear.

"Hi" I tried being polite and at least greeting him back. "I'm Annabelle"

"What a beautiful name" He smiled at me, showing of his dimples, which were probably deeper than Niagra Falls. I gotta say, he's pretty hot. He has beautiful hazel eyes and messy hair. He had a very thick Asutralian accent, so he's probably from around here.

I wasn't used to compliments, just the opposite of them. I didn't really have anyone I would consider a 'friend'. Call me a loner but I like it better that way.

"Thank you" I looked out of the window to avoid the awkwardness filling the air.

After about half an hour the bus arrived at school. Everyone rushed through the small bus doors, and like always, I was the last one. But Ashton was right in front of me. I walked my usual way to my first period classroom. I got to the classroom without any trouble this time. I sat down in my usual sit in the front of the class and saited for the bell to ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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