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Concealed in the forest behind the couple lay Jack, fully painted and green with envy. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. Ever since the first time they locked eyes, all Jack could think about was Roger. He wouldn't let himself consider the fact that it was a purely one-sided fantasy, that what Roger and Simon had could never be his reality. This made him furious. So there he was, laying in the undergrowth, listening to the growing chemistry between the two. Jack could hardly bear it any longer, but he forced himself to swallow the hot, angry tears and remain still.

I woke up to sunlight shining through the canopy of trees and Simon's arms wrapped around me. Smiling into his bare chest, I relived yesterday's magic. For the first time someone really appreciates me, and is willing to listen to what I have to say. I'm head over heels for this boy. Who would've thought my first love would be the same gender as me? Growing up on the streets, I never really got the chance to look into myself and figure out who I truly was. With Simon, a whole new part of me has been discovered. I could lie here with him forever. Suddenly, a thought popped into my head. How would Jack react to me and Simon being together? He's the closest thing I have to a friend besides Simon, but even then he controls what I do and hurts me when I don't. Me coming out will completely ruin the dynamic of the tribe, but then again what do I care? I'd rather run away with the love of my life then be bossed around by Jack all day. I've made up my mind.

They're finally awake. I was starting to get a bit concerned. Roger looks so cute when he first wakes up.... Jack. Focus. They're starting to talk.

Roger (gently whispering): Hey, Simon, wake up. I need to talk to you.
Simon (groggily): I'm awake...
Roger: Last night was amazing.
Simon (smiling): Yeah, it was.

They leaned in for another kiss. I almost gagged. After an obnoxious amount of time, Roger pulled away.

Roger: Can I ask you something?
Simon: That's what I'm here for.
Roger: Will you run away with me?

Roger is supposed to be mine. Mine! Why is he such a softy? Where did that hardcore savage I lust for go? I couldn't bear this anymore.

A shrill shriek came from directly behind us just as Simon opened his mouth to answer my question. All of a sudden I felt two hands grab my shoulders and pull me down off the log and into the growth below.
"What the-"
Someone's mouth slammed into mine, forcing a kiss I did not consent to. I tried to pull away, but the arms strangled me, choking my neck, and my eyesight started going dark. Simon...

Roger was dragged away from me just before I could answer. I screamed his name. Scrambling for my knife, I dived after him, needing to protect him. Blindly, I tore through the undergrowth until my blade hit flesh. Nausea made my eyesight grow foggy as I heard someone scream. As he turned to face me, I could finally get a good look at him. Red hair, freckles, blue eyes...

I released my grip on Roger's neck as soon as the blade hit my shoulder, prying myself away from his delicious face only to scream. The pain felt like both fire and ice all at once. I knew who had done this before I turned to face him.
I wanted to beat that concerned look off Simon's innocent little face. I wanted to scream and cry and beg Simon to forgive me. I wanted to ask why Roger loved Simon and not me. But I didn't do any of these things. All I would allow myself to do was turn the other direction and run, forcing him to do nothing but stand there helplessly.

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