Chapter 1

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Welcome back, beautiful reader!  If you're not a fan of author notes, please feel free to skip ahead, I won't be offended (well, maybe a little...) but many of my readers have been with me for years, and it's nice to reconnect.

It's been a minute since I posted anything - always the same old problem for me: the books I want to write like The Curves Ahead and Jamais Vu, no one will publish.  The books that have a higher chance of getting print published are WAY too heavy for a Watty read (think about super-serious books like Big Little Lies.)  So then I wonder if I should write more YA, like Feather Light, or stick to romance and e-publishing, or try my hand at books for younger readers, or just keep writing for free on Watty where I'm loved but will never get into print - and I freeze.  

I've been frozen for about two years.

So, rather than Sophie's Choice my writing, I'm now attempting to do a few things at the same time.  First, I'm going to continue writing my super-serious title about family violence off-line, and to my gorgeous Watty readers, I'm gifting a romance with heart.  His Dancing Star is from the same universe as one of my Harlequin titles, Falling Star (you can find chapters on my profile) but it's a stand-alone book, so don't worry if you haven't read number one.

I LURVE dancing - I was the world's biggest SYTYCD fan, I cry at the ballet and I'm a sucker for cliched dance movies.  I'm excited to share this book with you, pretty reader, so if you enjoy it, please comment and share :)

Now, off to Star Island, the world's most exclusive and expensive resort for celebrities only, where the gorgeous views are matched only by the gorgeous staff.  Your suite is ready, come right this way...

Sunlight!  Galina started awake with a cry, bolting out of bed. Panicked thoughts tumbled through her still-sleepy brain. Oh my god, the sun is up, it's so late! What time is it? I've missed morning rehearsals, Mama will be so angry, no no no, where is my bag? I need my leggings, I need to go-

Wait. The world swam into sharper focus. This wasn't her room in the Manhattan apartment she shared with her mother. She was about as far from New York as she could be physically could be. Her gaze darted out the windows of her resort suite and over the magnificent view of the ocean. Trying to calm her ragged nervous system, she spoke softly in the empty room. "I'm on an island. No one knows where I am. There is no rehearsal here."

There is no Mama here. She shuddered, a thrill of fear causing her slender body to shake. The memory of their last argument swept over Galina. Could you even call it an argument if only one person was allowed to speak?

It didn't matter. What was done, was done. Galina slid the glass door open and stepped out onto the balcony, sighing as the tropical air swept around her, causing her silky nightdress to lift and swirl in undulating patterns. Outside, all she could see was empty beach, clear sky and blue sea; a paradise just for her.

Thank god she'd intercepted the Star Island email all those weeks ago before her mother deleted it. Galina was constantly being sent offers and free products via her publicist – as the world's most famous ballerina, everyone wanted her to endorse their brands. But Mama was critical of the offers, screening them viciously. When Galina saw the invitation to spend a complimentary month at the luxurious Star Island, she'd quickly forwarded it to her private email – the one her mother didn't know about.

When she'd sat sobbing at the airport two days ago, frantic to escape New York, the memory of the invitation popped into her head and she'd reached out to the resort who'd immediately accepted her booking. Two flights and a private helicopter ride later, she was safely ensconced in the exclusive retreat.

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