Chapter 1

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As the sun fell beneath the rolling hills, Mal sat against Ben's back as she slowly closed her eyes." you know what?" she said, "I need to tell you something. Ben's only response was a muffled sound and a nod."Ben," Mal repeated, " I actually need to say something, it's important." He looked up with glittering eyes as he whispered into her ear" anything." Mal felt goosebumps go down her spine as she looked him straight in the eyes and said" I love you." He grabbed her hands in his and pulled her closer," Mal, you are everything to me, I love you too." Her face grew a blush as he pulled her even closer. Mal threw her arms around him and pressed her face into his chest. " I never want this to end", she whispered. 

But she knew it would, she knew that in three weeks, she would never have these moments. In three weeks, she would head back to the isle, to teach the new generation of villains that Auradon was the right place. Who knows how long she would be gone? Who knows how long it would be until she saw her true love again. Pain was eating away at her day by day, every day that passed, she saw another day closer to their departure. A sad moment that would come much too soon. 

"Mal?" Ben started, interrupting her sudden panic. He was staring straight at her, a concerned look on his face. "I'm ok," she said shakily" I just keep thinking about April 29th." Ah yes, April 29th, three weeks from today, April 8th. "Mal, that's in three weeks," but his eyes betrayed what he was actually feeling. " But I know it feels like this is too short, you shouldn't have to go." Mal smiled, feeling a blush tickle her cheeks.  She knew it was too late to cancel on Belle, and they both knew that it was what was best for their kingdom, seeing their soon-to-be queen teaching villains as  a sign of peace. "Soon-to-be queen" Mal murmured. Her head spun with what could happen in three weeks, could Ben propose? There were so many milestones ahead, and an "I love you" was just the beginning. "What did you say, Mal?" Ben asked, with a grin on his face. "N-Nothing," stuttered Mal, with a slight concern that he heard her. " Well, if you were saying nothing, it sounded like gibberish to me." laughed Ben. mal watched as he threw his head back and laughed till he clutched his stomach. 


With a smile, I decided it was time to go home. "Ben, we should go, its really dark." Ben laughed and said" Ah, but I like the darkness, why do you think I'm dating you?" "Haha, you're so funny" I said sarcastically, but in truth, it was nice to know that someone knew me inside and out. 'ALright, lets go," he said. We stood up and our hands touched. Every memory of our relationship flashed through me, the first time we held hands, the coronation, our first kiss. And now our first I love you. Ben looked at me and smiled, grabbing my hand as we walked. 

When we got back to Auradon Prep, Ben stopped me. " Mal, do you wanna stay in my room tonight?" Ben asked shyly. I giggled and threw my arms around him, "of course." He smiled so wide it took up half of his face. "It's to celebrate, I know how hard it was for you to say I love you, so I wanted to do something in return." Aw, he is so sweet. " I would love that," I smiled. So, we both sneaked over to the palace and Ben creaked open the door. 

"I've never snuck someone in before," He chuckled,"but I'm glad its you." His words make me feel special, but they also cause an alarm bell in my head to go off. " Ben?" "Yeah" I looked at him apologetically for what I was going to ask." Mal wha is it? You can tell me." I smiled, knowing I could. " How many other girls did you date, before me?" He looked a little sad, wanting this to be our night. " Um, probably around 3 or 4" he said. "I never really felt love before you mal, that's why it seems so insignificant, you just feel so special." His words always gave me what he was feeling, but the fact was that he was saying exactly what I was feeling as well, made them even better. "Ben, same here, you are so special, you're the only one I have ever loved."

With that, we headed up the stairs, ginormous stairs, I might add. We raced each other to his room and take our shoes off. He opens the door. I look in to find a giant bed looking over the ocean. The bathroom is bigger than my dorm, and his closet is bigger than Evie's. " Ben, I'm gonna tell you this now, if Evie ever sees your room, she will demand an upgraded closet" I laugh. Ben chuckles and then heads to the bathroom," I'm gonna shower, if you wanna pick pj's from my closet you're more than welcome to." I smile and find my way to his closet. There is so much stuff, but I decide on a oversized hoodie, I even take some of his underwear from a packet on the floor, unopened. When Ben comes out of the shower in only a towel, I decide its best for me to look away. But he only laughs and says" what, you can't handle all this princliness?" I giggle, and say, " Nope, so put some clothes on!" He smiles at me and says," alright, shower's open." I close the door and turn on the water, getting out of my cotillion dress. My head spins with happiness as I hop into the shower and massage my scalp with his shampoo. When i get out of the shower, I dry off and hop into his hoodie.

When I get out of the bathroom, Ben laughs. "Mal, are those my underwear?" I say" Don't worry, they're the new ones, I found them in the package." He glides his hand into mine as he pulls me onto the bed. I pull up the sheets and make myself cozy, nuzzling my head into his neck. He drapes the cover over me as I fall into a slumber."Goodnight soon-to-be queen" he whispers.  

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