Boyfriend and stalker.

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Five days since he's been gone and I'm literally in pain. I want to just see him and hear his voice in person and it's scaring the hell out of me because I've never been this way before or felt this way about a boy.

When I got home that day I had a good talk with my mom about how I didn't want to see my dad. She understood, fortunately and she dropped the subject but I had a feeling it would come up again soon.

Harry's been texting and calling me as much as he can but between his busy schedule and calling his mom and sister it hasn't been much. Honestly I just wish I could go see him but with the money I have, (Like two dollars.) I'm pretty sure I can't do that. Maybe I could like rob a bank or something? Logan would probably be up for it and I don't think he would say no to seeing Niall again.

Today was the day that I had to go back to school and I wasn't looking forward to it. Apparently Harrison has been asking Logan where I am like every single day and like what the hell, can he just back off already? I'm not interested and I never will be, obviously.

I parked the car closest to the door as I could so I didn't have to walk too far and grabbed my bag before getting out. I could see Logan and one of his friends standing near the doors and when I walked up to them he smiled. "Well look who's finally back."

"My mom made me."

"Well if you want to graduate you kind of have to attend."

"Go away." I gave him a dirty look and walked passed him into the school. I got to my locker and I could see some people looking at me which was really strange because nobody ever did that. When I grabbed my books and started walking to the class I heard someone whispering and I could of sworn I heard Harry's name in there. I stopped in my tracks. "What?"

Her eyes widened. "Um."

"What were you saying about me?"

"I was just saying that I saw the pictures of you with Harry Styles." She looked nervous and my face softened a bit.

"Oh, um. Is that why everyone's looking at me?"

"So it was you in the pictures?"

I didn't respond so she nodded. "Yeah, that's why people are looking at you."

"That's really weird." I made a face and walked off until I got to my class. I sat in the back and took my phone out.

Preston: harry

Preston: harold

Preston: styles

Preston: boyfriend

Harry: Yeah?

Preston: did you honestly just wait for me to call you boyfriend before you responded.

Preston: idk how to feel

Preston: but everyone in my school knows that I know you and they wont stop staring its weird

Harry: I did.

Harry: It was going to happen eventually, there's pictures everywhere of us right now. Especially the one of us kissing.

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