Chapter Two.

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It's only 9 am and I have made it to Quantico, I did, however, stop on the way here at a shopping mall and picking up lots of iced coffee because man was it hot!

I walk up to the security gate and flash my MI6 badge, the lady at the gate flashes me a scared look and she radio's her boss. 

"Um... could you please transfer this to Erin Strauss?" she questions the other person on the other side. After getting a yes the line changes and a female voice pops on. 

"This is Erin Strauss, make it quick I'm in a meeting" her snappy voice snarls. 

"Ma'am there is a man here on a motorbike with MI6 ID?" the meek lady at the gate, "his name is Milo James Connor" 

"Let him in" Strauss demands, the lady opens the gate and I drive in quickly. I arrive at the correct building and park the Harley, climb off and stroll casually into the building. 

Strange men with guns are frowned upon... especially in government buildings.  Several armed men were surrounding a lady, who looked frail and like she was about to break. She looked angry.  Strauss stormed over to me and grabbed my upper arm and started to pull me towards the lift. A few strange glances from workers as I bitch and swear at the lady digging her nails into me.

I struggle some more before I snap, no one manhandles me. I don't care who you are. I slap the woman across her face furiously and the sound silences the ground floor. I look at the woman and the red dots on my sleeve from where she was grabbing me. Strauss turns to look at me, 
"Do you fucking mind? I'm not sure how things work around here but I swear to god that if you're in the habit of dragging agents, with more authority than you, across a room and with the intent to hurt do not fucking think MI6 could take you down, Strauss." I hiss, Strauss is stunned in silence, but it didn't last long, of course, it wouldn't. 

"I don't seem to understand why you, a dumb agent, seems to think that he is better than ME," Strauss says with an air of authority. She snarls at me, "Get up to my office now, MJ."

I roll my eyes, 
"Deine Mutter geht in der Stadt huren" She thwacks the back of my head and  pushes me towards her office. I grumble as she Pushes me into her office and then shuts the door.

About 30 minutes later I was finally released from the hell hole that was her angrily ranting. I step into the elevator and put my sunglasses back on, my upper arm was still bleeding, and so was my forehead as she threw several vases my way. I  wince as the elevator opens to the 6th floor. This was my stop. I stepped out whimpering slightly limping.

I ignore the strange looks from various people around the floor as I see the man that I needed in the conference room. I stumble the few steps to the conference room, the world spinning and I throw open the door. I'd taken a nasty bump to my head in Strauss's office and all I could focus on was him.

I reach out my hand and try to say his name but I'm quickly greeted with darkness and a solid floor.

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