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I noticed this book was getting some attention recently and I figured I'd post the last bit i wrote before deleting the app like a yer or two ago. But yeah idk if it's been edited or not frankly I don't think I care to check but hey I hope this makes at least some sense! Here's the final part of 'wrong number':
[Edit: Sike! This will not be the last chapter. Sorry to confuse y'all. This would be a horrible chapter to end the book on. Whoops!]

romans POV

"So? How'd it go?" Patton urged me to speak.
"It went fine. He's really cute in person, I won't lie. Plus, I'm meeting him again later tonight!" I said, letting my excitement get to me.
"What time will that be?" Patton asked.
"8. Not sure where we're actually hanging out, but it doesn't matter."
"As long as you guys aren't getting frisky, have fun on your date!" Patton smiled as he walked to the oven, taking out a batch of cookies.
"Pat, I already said it's not a date." I deadpanned.
"Perspective!" Patton said. "Anyway, the cookies are done, just be sure you wait till you eat them. And DON'T eat the whole batch this time!" Patton said as he slapped my hand away from the pan.
"Ouch. Who else is gonna eat them, anyway?" I asked. "Logan! And Thomas, if I have to babysit today." Patton said, checking something on his phone. "And yes, actually I do! So leave some for everyone else." Patton joke-scolded me.
"Uh huh, sure." I said, taking three cookies off the tray and bolting to my room.


4 hours since last encounter
Virgil's POV
8:05 PM

Roman: hey! U off from ur shift soon?

Me: I'm off rn. Meet me here?

Roman: Will do!

I was cleaning off the front counter when I heard a car pull up in the parking lot.
"Alright, Remy, I'm heading out. G'nite!" I announced. "Kay. Don't show up late tomorrow!"
"I might, we'll see!" I say as I exit the shop.
I walk towards the car, spotting Roman inside.
"Hi there, Princey." I say, hopping in.
"Hello, J-Delightful." Roman said as he started driving. "Again with the nicknames? Princeys the only one I can think of." I said. "I'm just creative like that. Anyways, where are we heading? And don't say my house. Unless you'd like to deal with two children, of course." Roman said, giggling.

That was adorable, I thought to myself.

"Two kids? You adopted?" I asked, curious.
"Oh, no! I'm not ready to adopt. I meant my roommate, Patton. He's babysitting our neighbors kid, Thomas." He explained.
"...And the other kid?"
"Patton. He may not be one, but he can sure act like it." He said, making me chuckle. "Let's just stop at my house, then. It's close by, just take a turn up there." I said, pointing to the stop sign up ahead.
"You're the boss, hoss." Roman said, taking a turn.

"Be aware, I haven't cleaned in a while, so don't mind the mess." I warned him as I opened the door.
As we walked inside, I heard a gasp.
"This place looks beautiful!" I heard Roman exclaim.
I turned around to face him, and was met with gleaming eyes and a face of curiosity and excitement.

He's stunning.
Shut up, brain! I thought to myself, internally face palming. "Thanks. I try to keep it aesthetically pleasing for guests n stuff." I explained. "Not that I ever have guests over anyway."
"Well, you did a fantastic job! It's so calming and pretty in here." Roman complimented.
"Glad to hear it. Oh, and there's drinks n snacks in stuff in the fridge, make yourself at home." I mentioned as I took off my hoodie and hung it on the rack, revealing the black t-shirt underneath. Roman stared at me for a moment before replying 'thank you.' Probably not used to me without my hoodie.

-time skip

Roman laughed as my blush deepened.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad." He suggested.
"Yes, it is that bad! Imagine some weird lanky teenager walking around Walmart in a PRINCESS OUTFIT. A PRINCESS OUTFIT, ROMAN."
Roman only laughed more. "Hey, if it makes you feel better: I wear my prince costume outside theatre sometimes to entertain kids and such. It's fun once your used to the stares!"

"Well yeah but it's different for you because you're
1) good looking and 2) already all prince-like."
I said, annoyed.
"Well thank you, but you're just as pretty as me, Jason toddler."
"You will never run out of nicknames will you?"
"Nada." I giggled, rolling my eyes playfully.
We both were comfortably sat on the stacks of pillows that covered the wooden floor, a fluffy blanket draped over both of us.
At some point, we started telling crazy stories of our high school years. Turns out, Romans not as innocent as he seems.

"Oh! I just remembered one." Roman announced.
"Tell me."
"Alright. Well, this was back when I was only a child, and my older brother, Derek, wanted me to help him clean the room. I was only four at the time, so of course I had my fits and refused to help. He eventually got frustrated and ran to tell my mom, shouting all about how I wasn't helping. "I don't care if you have to tie him to the bed post, I just want that room clean!" She announced to my brother. Unfortunately, he took this seriously. And extreme. He snuck into our parents room and grabbed all my dads old karate belts, and, get this, tied me to the ceiling fan with them."
I immediately burst out laughing. "How the hell did he manage to do that?" I spoke through my laughter. "I was a teeny child! Anyway, he then told me he was Spider-Man, and told me to announce that I've been caught by him and will get revenge. So, naturally, I kept chanting all about I'll get him back for this, and 'oh no I've been caught!'. My mother eventually came in the room to see the progress. Fortunately, the room had been cleaned. Unfortunately, I was still chilling on the ceiling fan. He was grounded for three months."

"Wow, you had a weird ass childhood dude."
"Tell me about it." Roman chuckled.

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