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"Fumiko! Fumiko-chan! Fumiko wake up!" A pillow was sent flying to her head and before she could process the pain, she was already lying on the ground staring blankly at the ceiling.

Her mother stared down at her with a look that seem to express her disappointment in her daughter.
" Good-good morning mother." Fumiko greeted bashfully and stood up un-gracefully. Fumiko's mother shook her head and walk away.

The rest of the day seen to pass by in a blur. The next thing she knew, Fumiko was holding on to the arms of her ever 'loving' boyfriend.

" Fumiko? Fumiko! "

" Yes?!" She jouted and stared questionly at Hiroto.

Hiroto rolled his eye and hit her lightly on her head. "Why are you such a ditz. I was trying to tell you that we can't study together at the cafe as often anymore."

"Huh?! Why?"

"You weren't listening were you?" Hiroto shook his head. "Nevermind, as I was saying, I have to help Yuki with his homework if not he will have to retain this year. The teacher said if I help him, he will put in good words for me for my college application."

"Oh sure..." Fumiko nodded while thinking internally 'Who is Yuki?'

"Ok we are here" Hiroto said as they stop near the cafe they frequently visited.

"Your brother will be picking you up as usual right?" Hiroto ask.

Fumiko nodded hesitantly. 'When on earth did I get a brother ?'

"See you next week. Hope I can meet your brother but I doubt he will like me as you do. " Hiroto kiss her on her cheeks and gave her a quick hug.

"See you..." With that, the couple parted ways, leaving Fumiko even more confuse than ever.

"Something is not right..." Fumiko told herself as she stood absent mindedly on the pathment.

She went through the events from yesterday and tried comparing it from the day before. But many parts seem to be blank. She frown. As someone who take pride in her so called awesome memory, she could tell that her memory was mess up.

"What was I doing?" Fumiko ask herself as she trotted down the pathway.

As she pass by some shops, an old lady called out to her. "Fumiko-chan!"

She stop in her tracks and turn to look at the unfamiliar lady who was holding a few bags of groceries.

"Fumiko-chan, dear, do you think its a good idea to be walking around. What if your brother can't find you?" The old lady asked with her palm on her cheeks, staring endearingly at her.

"...." She definitely did not know this lady but this lady definitely knew her and her non-existant brother.

" Ah? Oh I guess I will just wait here... "She trailed off to see where was here but... She didn't recognise this road. She turn to look behind and found the cafe she supposedly hung around with her boyfriend in. 'What am I thinking about! I always come here, its the cafe I alway....' Was it?

"This old lady will accompany you then."The lady stood beside her nonchantly while Fumiko went through an existent crisis. Her mind was going haywire from the stress of unfamiliarity.

After a minute or so, a rather luxurious looking car pulled up in front of her.

The window wind down and she could see a rather handsome young man sitting inside. "Oh Sumire-San I see you met up with Fumiko-chan."

"Hai, I did young master."

'Young master?'

"Get in then, Fumiko once we reach home get change, we are going to sent off father who is going on a business trip."

"Oh ok." Fumiko nodded while furrowing her eyebrows. She got in to the car and greeted the chauffeur who drove them 'home'

"Fumiko? Are you alright?" Before she knew it her brother was leaning over, touching her forehead.

"A fever? That's why you have been behaving oddly." Her brother said. From the corner of her eyes, there a very, beautiful mansion.

A butler came up to her to support her back to her room. As she laid on the bed she thought through the day and eventually fell asleep enraptured in confusion.

After a few hours of peaceful silence, she was awoken by a light shaking to her shoulders.

"My dear Fumiko, are you feeling alright?" Fumiko open her eyes sleepily, only to see her mother staring worriedly at her. Where on earth did the apron from this morning go? Why on earth was she wearing a super expensive looking gown. She's actually being polite??

Fumiko stared at her mother as though she was some kind of alien.

Rumiko, stared back at her daughter wondering if she should say something at her expression.

"Your father can't make it. He is giving more allowance to spend as a get well soon present along with this ginseng procured from China." Rumiko clap her palm and a butler walk up to them holding a very, very expensive looking box containing the ginseng.

" Is $ 15000 enough for this coming week? If its not enough mom can give you a bit more. "Rumiko place a palm on her cheeks and money sign pop up beside her. Fumiko rubbed her eye in wonder and told her it was enough.

" You daddy is so stingy. Other girls your age receive hundreds of thousands, millions and even Aiko-chan up next mountain receive about 2 million or so per month ." Rumiko pouted as she complain to Fumiko how stingy her father was with his don't spoil the children decipline.

"Don't worry mother place a few million  in your personal bank for your own use. If it runs out please tell me. As long as you don't tell your father I can keep giving you extra money. Its not a lot but at least you can buy more pretty things for you and your friends. " Rumiko gave her daughter the thumbs up sign while a empty wind blew by.

Fumiko was shocked silenced.'Mom, when did I get friends?'

" Anyway I heard from Sumire that you have a boyfriend. Since your still young, I will allow it but please remember you are engage to Yuuto. Though if you would like to switch fiance by 18 I recommend the Korean or English aristocrats." Rumiko said with stars in her eyes.

" But Feng He from the Chinese empire seem to be the best choice of them all. Since he had Japanese descent it's no problem! Your grandparents would definitely allow it!"

For one reason or another Fumiko mother started discussing her future husband and tactics to break up the engagement if it ever comes down to it.

The empty gust of wind blew by again and before she knew it, she fell asleep listening to her mother ranting, unknown to the endearing smile on her face.

I think I am a side character in a shounen-ai verseWhere stories live. Discover now