he's not bad

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Mineta hadn't expected this when Bakugo first confessed to liking him several weeks ago.

In all honesty, he thought the taller had just meant... He didn't loathe him like the rest of the class. No. He didn't expect anything like this.

Katsuki Bakugo had been hanging out with Mineta for weeks. Walking with him to classes, offering to hang out after school, eating lunch together off and on and even training sometimes. Whenever Mineta didn't want to just go home and sleep. Today was no different. It was the weekend, and Mineta had just received a text from the angry blond.

Sparky Boom 💥 :
oi you wanna play minecraft

Grape Soda 🍇 :
Uh sure man
Hold on, lemme check with my pa

No was almost never an answer when it came from Papa. He adored Bakugo. Said it was good he had strong friends. Friends at all even. Kaminari was a pal, but Mineta knew he'd rather hang with Kirishima an respected that.

So he sent back the a-okay and told Bakugo he'd be over soon. He grabbed a white hoodie, his wallet, and keys before saying a quick goodbye and dipping out the door.

The violet haired boy didn't take long to get over, catching a ride on the back of a bus secretly since not many spotted people as small as him. Arriving onto Bakugo's street, he bounced off and dropped into a run. Bakugo lived in a really, really nice house, Mineta had noted, feeling a little embarrased when he first came over.

Him and his Papa lived in a decent enough place. An apartment that fit the two of them nicely without any awkwardness or jammed feelings. But compared to what Bakugo's parents did, Mineta didn't see his family ever being able to afford a place like this.

Reaching the door, he knocked as loud as he could.

"Oi! I'll get that!"

"Who is it Katsuki!?"

"It's just Mineta, Mom, back off!"

The door swung open and Mineta junped up in fright. He should be used to this by now. Staring up, he swallowed thickly seeing Bakugo lean against the doorframe. Red eyes bore down at him.

"H-hey, Bakugo."

"Hey, Ro. Hurry up."

The nickname made Mineta shiver a bit, but he nodded and followed after the older as he headed back inside. When the door shut, he heard Mrs. Bakugo calling to her son again. Oh boy... He took off his shoes as he waited and listened.

"Do you guys need anything?" She shouted after them.

Bakugo sighed, less angry than earlier it seemed. "No, Mom!"

Grunting then, Bakugo shoved his hands into his pockets. Mineta guessed he was waiting for him to finish. Once his shoes were set to the side, he stood up and went back to following Bakugo to his room. Inside the two dropped themselves onto the bean bags in front of Bakugo's Switch. He turned it on for the two, Mineta getting settled, and handing one back to the shorter.

"Our world right?"

"Duh," Mineta says softly, unsure still with how Bakugo mught react.

He was still processing how they became... Friends. That's what they were right? Why else did Bakugo hang out with him like this.

Soon enough they're in their world, scattering into separate directions to gather materials from where they last left off. Bakugo wanted a castle of course. Mineta... Well he just wanted to have farm so he could have as many bunnies as he could.

They play for hours then. Not that that's new. Atleast, not since they'd been hanging out. Mineta seemed to forget time all together when with Bakugo. Strange. Seeing as everyone avoided him outside of his little squad. Maybe Kirishima had been right about him. Maybe... There was more to him than that scowl.

Tossing the controller in front of him, Bakugo flopped backwards and groaned out loudly. Mineta picked up his remote and paused the game for both of them.

"You tired? We can do something else man," He offered.

"I feel like my brain is turning into mush playing this garbage."

Yeah. This garbage that Bakugo's system said he had over 2000 hours logged for it. Mineta rolled his eyes. Of course, that didn't escape the blond next to him.

"Got something to say?" He huffed, arching a brow.

Mineta squeaked and waved his hands. "No, course not dude." He assured him. "Just wonderin' if you'd rather I beat it now since you're tired."

"Like hell."

That had Mineta's heart hammering.


"Yeah," Bakugo sneered. "Come here, dumbass."

Mineta watched as the older scooted their bean bags closer to eachother, Bakugo's leg being thrown over the other's lap. He held back another squeak. What the quirk-

An arm was thrown over the bean bag and Bakugo turned so he was laying sideways on both chairs. Mineta stayed confused until he began to yawn and stretch out more.

"That's better."

W... What?!

Mineta wanted to say something but found his words caught in his throat. Why was Bakugo? Laying on him? Holy shit?

Before he could even show how unsure and anxious this situatio made him though, he found Bakugo nodding off. Oh no- his chin dropped, resting against his chest. The tense look in his face was gone none and in that moment he looked...




No no no. Definetly not. Burning began to effect his ears then, making the boy turn away from Bakugo. What was going on with him? Why would he think that dammit. He forced himself to look back at the other boy. Bakugo was not cute. He was aggressive, and spiky, and harsh and...

Liked Minecraft for God's sake.

Had bean bag chairs that were soft and squishy.

Hung out with a guy like Mineta. Even though everyone else hated him!

And he was kind when he wanted to be... In his own gruff way. Mineta felt his gaze pausing at the way Bakugo looked when sleeping. His face was less sharp, smooth almost. All his features seemed to soften. Instead of an intense gaze of red... Mineta could see how his eyelashes framed them instead, soft against his cheeks.

What the quirk was wrong with him.

He shook his head and tried to wriggle out. Why had he chosen to lay on him anyway. Grunting, he managed to get out some, dropping onto Bakugo's knees. Then he squeaked as he was pulled back, hands grabbing him and bringing him to the hard chest of Katsuki Bakugo.

Mineta's face burned red.


"Stop moving, idiot," Bakugo grumbled, breath soft and light, still in a daze from being half asleep.

And the other did just that. Freezing, he let Bakugo hold him. Against his chest now, Minega could feel how fast his heart was beating. He swore softly. Before he could freak out though, Bakugo was passing out again. He was stuck there.

Then... Well...

Mineta swallowed down, nerves a mess. He didn't know what to do. He didn't hate it but it was so... Shocking. No one could ever suspect Bakugo could be like this yet... Somehow it wasn't as surprising as it seemed at first. Mineta relaxed against him though his face still glowed bright red.

He didn't hate it.

He actually was enjoying being held like this.

By a guy no less.

By Bakugo.

The boy gulped again. But he actually thought. Having been hanging out with the guy... He found that Bakugo wasn't that bad. He was nice. Mineta had fun with him and he didn't feel like he was being pitied.

He liked hanging out with Bakugo...

Face still red, he gave in to his situation.

Cuddling into Bakugo and falling asleep soon after... Mineta admitted to himself softly that maybe- just maybe- he might like Bakugo more than he first thought.

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