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Luna's P.O.V
Getting sick and tired of feeling that something may or may not be missing in my life was a every day thing looking on Instagram didn't help either you always found the next up and going vid or picture. It didn't help that I was obsessed with the best dancers in the fucking world Larry and Laurent Bourgeois now your prolly wondering why I keep saying past tense and all that shit well I got sick and tired of just watching them from the other side of the screen (well amber did anyway) and decided to go find them like in real life find them and meet them and no it wasn't going to be some meet and greet where I only had a few seconds I was determined to find and spend time with the hottest men I had ever seen This is the story of how I met and spent time with my biggest idols.

Waking up 10:00 AM

Luna's P.O.V
I woke up today expecting today to be like any other just as boring as the last but a nagging feeling in the back of my mind just wouldn't let be at peace after rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and sitting up in bed I got on my phone and did my daily Les twins binge this morning my dad decided to pop in and say good morning " hey Luna good morning I'm heading out I have some work to do on the house" I nodded my head and he disappeared to do what he had to getting up and finally eating and taking my meds like I'm supposed to I went to go and greet my mom with our morning talks. The rest of the day went as it normally does no hitches in the road or any thing.

Going to bed 11:00

After going in my room to lay down I watched some tv and received a text from my best friend amber talking about how the les twins where with john and she has a huge crush on John honestly if I wasn't so into twins I would be right with her like come on he's fucking adorable any way back to the message.
Text convo.

A:I gots a plan and I want you to hear me out.
L:oh shit amber what did you do 🤦🏾‍♀️.
A:omg just hear me out.
A: what do you say we find our way to the hottest men on the planet rn.
L:I'm listening...
A: I may or may not have some how accidentally hacked John's phone and since ya know he's with the twins for a few weeks I may or may not know where the twins are at this exact moment.
L: Amber how tf do you accidentally hack someone's phone !!
A:That's not fucking important right now. So are you in or out cause I'm going weather you do or not.
L:damn. Fine I'm in
A:YES! Meet me at my house in ten minutes

After getting off the phone with amber I got dressed in my my many Les twins shirts a pair of sweats and did my hair in a pony tail and headed out he door,walking up to ambers door has me nervous . I feel bad for amber cause her parents don't really care if she dies or goes missing I shrugged off the feeling of dread and used the key she gave me for her little hut out back "thank goodness your here their on the move we gotta get to LA as soon as possible." "Amber wtf do you mean LA we don't have a car and live two days away how the hell are we going any where." I am baffled at her stupidity she shook her head at me like she was scolding a child making me want to slap the fuck out of her; "you poor poor clueless child you really don't think I didn't get us a ride?" I give her the look,she smiles and gets on her phone after what seemed like forever she gets off the phone and her brother Rayshould walks through the door. " bitch I better be getting something good out of this." He shakes his head and sits down.

Amber's P.O.V
It's funny that Luna thought I didn't have a plan climbing in the car I gave my brother the directions to the house les twins and John where at I didn't tell Luna or Rayshould but Rodney is there too and it has always been Rays dream to dance and chill with him but that's a secret I'm holding till we get there. Getting on the road and driving was the easy part the not being stoped by many police officers wasn't and it was even harder now that we had been missing for over twenty four hours . We stoped at a gas station to get more gas and food for the next ten hours of the trip when I got a call from me and rays mom. " you better not put that Moore girl in any type of trouble you hear me" I sighed and replied with a yes and hung up . "Luna my mom just called and she knows where we are she has a tracker on my phone." Luna smiled and nodded her head happy that my parents had even bothered to call and check on us she then got a text from her mom.
Luna's P.O.V
M: Luna if your ok your in deep shit when you get home!
L:I know 😞....

After getting off the phone we were headed on the road again I sigh and Settle in my seat and get comfy for the rest of the ride arriving at the party the was being thrown was nerve wracking what if we got caught was running through my head and ray must have noticed cause he gave me a hug once we got out of the car ,it is ten o clock and we are about to sneak into a les twins party on their day off I can not believe this.

Larry's P.O.V
Me and Laurent's party's are always lit asf we don't take our parties lightly at all we were just getting ready to let people in when we heard a new alert about two sixteen year old girls and one Nineteen year old boy running away from home and heading to LA stoping for a moment we bow our head and pray for that family  after we pray we go on to let people in. The party is in full swing all my worries leave my mind and I let the music take me.

Luna's P.O.V
As I make my way through the crowd I somehow get separated from Ray and Amber and me being the sacred little pup of the pack I begin to wander around aimlessly stoping I noticed that along the way I had make it to the cypher circle where Laurent was tearing up the floor with his dance moves at the moment. I must have stoped walking a little to late cause next thing I know I'm on the floor with an angry woman glaring down at me "watch where your going little bitch" she huffs and turns her attention back to the front of the circle I get up again and continue to try and make my way to the front of the circle again I stop to late but this time I bumped into a man.

Laurent's P.O.V
I was just backing my back into the circle to stand an watch my brother when something hit me with a very small squeak turning around to apologize I look down and notice the shirt she's wearing Is the one that's on the news . Not wanting to make a scene I pick her up quickly and throw her over my shoulder and take her to a room with no booze and high as fuck people , bending down to her height I look her dead in the eyes "where are the rest of your friends" she looks frightened of me and scoots her way back to the head board but grabbing her before she reaches it I grab and bring her to my chest and rock in a calming manner she begins to melt in my arms and ball her hands in my shirt.

Luna's P.O.V
Half way into getting here I began to get scared amber was so confident so I don't want to disappoint her so I came in Spite  of my instincts telling me to be a good girl and stay home
Laurent had bent down to my height ,I got scared because of the look on his face was one of a parent reprimanding his child. Scooting away I was hoping to make it to the head board but failed as Laurent scooped me up in his arms and rocked me to calm my shaking and nervous body. In the sweetest voice I had ever heard he whispered two simple words and I was putty in his arms "your ok." I gripped onto his shirt hoping not to fall off of his lap when none other than Larry walks in.

Larry's P.O.V
When walking into our room to get some fresh air I did not expect to my brother cradling a young girl in his arms Laurent must have noticed my confusion he looked at me with worry written all over his face and told me it was one of the kids from the news. After me sitting there with my mouth open for a few minutes he came over  and bumped his head with mine "we need to find the others Larry." I nodded my head and exited the room.

Amber's P.O.V
So me and ray managed to get caught and recognized as two of the kids missing on the news "where is the other friend that you came with?" Anger was written all over his face as his nose flared out and his cheeks puffed. Larry and Laurent came running over much to my surprise with realization and relief written on their beautiful features.

Larry's P.O.V
I found the kids pretty easily considering that they were stuck outside with a guard looking ready to lock them up for trying to sneak in "hey its alright they are with us." The guard looked surprised and nodded his head in understanding. We led them back the to girl who was still a sleep on me and my brothers bed then sat and Waited for answers.

Heyyyy BW Here sorry for the cliff hanger I really am but more is to come I promise.

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