Part 1

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Part 1

"You all may rise for Judge Lisa Brock." We all arose from our cold wooden benches. The Judge stalked through the middle aisle. She was a older woman, maybe late fifties. She has rounded glass, the hid her sliver colored eyes. Her brown hair had grey strands flying everywhere. Has she finally made it to her post, let out a heavy sigh. "You may all be seated." She spoke with a low voice, it was kinda dark. The of it made me think of my science teacher and how he talked so lowly and made everything boring, but I would give anything to be there right now, than in a room with a bunch of relatives I don't know. My mom, who was sitting next to me, placed her arm over my shoulder and hugged me. "Today, we are here to uncover the will of Carolyne Gina Waller." My mother signed.

Carolyne was her only sibling, which makes her my aunt. Mom was never close to her sister but she did care a great deal about her. "It's alright, Mum." I whispered in her right ear. I saw a little tear make it's way down her cheek. It stained every inch it touched. "I will call you by your formal name and Mr.Jonson here will take you to show you, your part of the will." The judge spoke as she read the script below her eyes. "Let's see here, Mr.Edwin Waller?" My cousin rose from the bench behind us. He patted my back as he walked up to the tall man waiting there for him. My cousin is the only child of my aunt. He is about 17 only a year older than me and if he wasn't my cousin I think I might've dated him. He is very 'hot' you would say. Dirty blonde hair in a skater style and ultramarine blue eyes. He as a 6 pack too. "Ms.Corrine Hunt?" The judge called out again.

Somewhere in the mix between me not paying attention the judge finally spoke the words I dreaded, "Ms.Kathleen Emily Talley." Mine name was the only name she said as a statement and not a question. I got up slowly, dreaded everything. I don't want to hear bout some dead chick who left me shit. My emerald green dress extended as I stretched my legs. My matching green heels nearly slipped off as I stumbled my way to the tall figure male called Mr. Jonson. "Kathleen." He said escorted me through the door. "Katy." I hissed at him. He couldn't of been older than 20. He has messy brown hair and sliver eyes much like the judge. He was someone quite attractive, actually. "Ok, Katy." His voice was vanilla. Making me sway almost losing my balance completely. "I'm Thomas." He spoke closing the space between us. He stopped me short in front of one door. "Maybe after this little event we can go catch a movie together." He whispered seductively in my ear. "Or maybe we can't." I whispered back to him and kneed him in the balls. He tumbled to the ground, while groping his dick.

I snorted and walked into the room. There waiting for me on the table was a letter. I walked over and picked it up. This is what it read:

Dear Kathleen,

Whatever it is, I need you now. Listen to me closely, follow all my clues and all my riddles. No short cuts and no ways out now, Kathleen. Now, in my room, behind my dresser, lies an opening only you and I could crawl through. I need you to go through this opening and on the other side you will find a room big enough for only one. In this room lies a shoe box. The shoe box encases two tickets for a flight to Italy. These tickets are for you and Edwin. Also encased in the box is my next letter. Follow these letters, my love. Your life is on the line.

Love, Aunt Carolyne.

P.S. I'm not dead, yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2010 ⏰

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