A so called Friend

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I never knew what being a friend meant.Is a friend someone who comforts you in times of discomfort,Someone to talk to for certain times,Someone to randomly cuss at(Lauryn),Or someone who is all of the above.Obviously one of my friends Emily is exactly like that to my cousin Lauryn when ever she cries she gives her a shoulder to cry on and tries everything to cheer her up!And gives her words of wisdom when Lauryn feels down.People like Tony, Melissa, and Devyn, Kaitlyn,Emily,Alyssa,Tianna and Lauryn are Great friends even though I don't have a full on conversation with most of them, but they're really cool.While people like Alan I don't know they kind of meet in the middle like in between friend and just some person to talk too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry if you don't like the way I don't put paragraphs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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