15 - You Sure?

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Jungkook woke up early, deciding to make breakfast for Yoongi and him.

He looked down at the bed, cooing at the most adorable sight. Yoongi was there, laying there with his mouth slightly open. He was happy to get to see this every morning.

Jungkook wondered how Yoongi lived without being able to see. How was it to not be able to see everything around you?

He sighed, deciding to make breakfast for the two... Waffles. Humming 'We Don't Talk Anymore' as he popped them in the toaster.

He realized he was starting to get Yoongi's lazy personality but he honestly didn't care. Jungkook didn't mind the cuddling until lunch time, or the times where they lay on the couch watching shows until the late night.

"Kook?" He heard, looking at Yoongi who just seemed to wake up and put on his shirt making his heart speed up. Hot damn he looks good in my clothes.

Jungkook quickly took the waffles out of the toaster and smiled. "Morning beautiful." He smirked, cornering Yoongi at the counter.

"Kook, what are you doing?" Yoongi asked, raising an eyebrow. Jungkook took of Yoongi's sunglasses to look into his eyes.

"You look amazing in my clothes." Jungkook smiled.

Yoongi was silent for a bit then smiled, "I'm glad. Now I'm hungry. I smell waffles."

The two eat while Jungkook thinks about their previous encounter. He didn't know why Yoongi was quiet for so long. Did he say something wrong??

"Yoongi? Are you ok?" He decided to ask.

Yoongi looked up at him and gave a small smile, "I'm fine, why?"

"You just... seem off today."

He saw Yoongi tense, "Really? I'm fine though. No need to worry."

"Yoongi, what's wrong?"

Yoongi blushed a bit, "It's stupid really."

"Nothing is stupid coming from you. What is it?"

Yoongi poked his pointer fingers together, a sign he was nervous, "I just was thinking back on the day we... had sex."

"Ok, and?" Jungkook said, trying to help Yoongi get whatever was on his mind.

Yoongi sighed, "This is going to sound dumb but you... always call me beautiful and... it just got me thinking of maybe you were lying and... I was wondering also how you looked.. and..." Yoongi puffed out some air, looking down at his lap, "I'm sorry."

Jungkook was stunned. So many different things got bombarded at him. "Don't apologize. I never lie with compliments. You are cute, sexy... and can I say cute again? Yoongi your amazingly talented and I'm really lucky to be dating you."

Yoongi was crying at this point, "You're... not just saying that, right?"

Jungkook sighed, getting up to pick Yoongi up and take him to their bed which Yoongi yelped at. "I'm not just saying that. I thought you could always tell if I was lying?"

Yoongi smiled, "I... I know but I just-"

Yoongi didn't have time to finish as Jungkook kissed his lips. He wanted to try and tell him without words.

Jungkook swiped his tongue against his lips, asking for entrance, which Yoongi happily accepted. They broke for air, "I love you, Yoongi. Your absolutely perfect the way you are. I never want to hear you say otherwise. Got it?"

Yoongi blushed at Jungkook's dominant voice and quickly nodded. Jungkook smiled, "I'm going to show you how much I love you." He whispered.

A/N: Short chapter, I know. I'm going to probably end this in a few chapters unless anyone has any ideas?

Idk why I even ask though... no one even gives me any ideas lol XD See you next chapter

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