*Old friends*

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I hear my alarm go off as i open my eyes to meet the sun shining brightly through my window.I stand up switch off my alarm,switch on my speaker and started getting ready for school while my favourite song played.I took a quick shower,and put on my outfit, it's a black skirt with a white button up shirt,with black knee high socks and black school shoes.

After i got my outfit perfect,i grabbed my earphones,phone and my school bag,i went downstairs to go make myself a cup of white hot chocolate."I didn't think you would be able to get up so early after you played assassin's creed all night"i heard my brother's voice come from the living room."Karma i don't sleep to function,all i need is music,games and my hot chocolte,got it."i replied as i made my hot chocolate."Whatever.".

I finished my cup, and said goodbye to my mom."Toriko are you sure your going to be alright" my mom asked worried"Don't worry mom,i will be perfectly fine ok" i said as i left the house.It was a beautiful morrning and i was early so i dicided to take the long way to school,i put my earphones on and started walking to school.

This place looks the same as before,nothing has changed.I was walking along side the river when i suddenly felt a strong spiritual pressure behind me,i turned around and saw nothing,when i turned back,i almost got hit.Thanks to my quick reflexes i was able to baerly dodge it.I stared at the hollow in front of me."Really you almost got my outfit dirty" i stared at the creature.It strikes again and i jump in the air,to avoid the attack,i closed my eyes,and focused my spiritual pressure,suddenly my spirit bow formed in my hand,I aimed at the hollow and released.Luckly it dissapeared after one hit.I land on the ground,and looked around to see if anyone saw that,when i saw nothing,i picked up my back and continued on my way to school.

When i finally got to school,the bell rang and students were getting to there classes."i made it in time yeah".I made my way up to my class and waited outside for the teacher to call me in.

Ichigo pov

Everyone was sitting in class waiting for our teacher to arrive,I was staring out the window like i always do,i was thinking about the strong spiritual pressure i felt a few days ago,strangly i remember it from a few years ago,back then i had no idea it existed but i still remember her.My thought were interupted as the teacher entered the classroom,asking everyone to pay attention.The same boring things she would say, "Class this year a new transfer student will be joining us,miss akebane could you please come in."that's intresting we don't usually get that many transfer students." i turn my head to the front of the class,to see a girl with brown hair enter the room.That's when it hit me,she's back,I stared at her shocked,but quickly changed my look to my natural look. "Class this is Toriko Akebane.

Toriko's pov

It felt like forever,but finally i hear the teacher call my name.As i enter the classroom i wonder who will be in my class,it's exiting to think about.I stand infront of the class smiling like an idiot as i scan through the kids in the class.There was a guy with black hair sitting in the front of the class,he looked like he was staring into my soul,it was kind of creepy.I look past him into the back of the class to see a certain orange head staring at me,as always he shows no emotion just like i remember him to be."Class this is Toriko." i got snapped out of my thoughts as the teacher spoke."Toriko you will be sitting infront of kurosaki,Ichigo please raise your hand."my smile fades and i get my normal unemotional look back as i walk to my seat."welcome back Toriko chan"inoue said as i sat down in my seat.I turn around and gave her a smile"Thanks."
I turn back and try to focus on the lesson but as always i can't consentrate and my mind starts to wonder as i think.

The rest of the day was boring and went by quick,it was boring finally it wad the end of the day,and i could not wait for the bell to ring so i could go to the arcade later.The whole day during class,i could feel ichigo's eyes on me,the thought made me blush a little,i would never admit it but,damn he looks hot even in his school uniform.Another thing that distracted me during class,was his spiritual pressure,it was strong,stronger than my own and it felt almost the same as mine,just more intoxicating but in a good way,somehow.I never felt anything like it before.

Ichigo pov

Just great,now she is sitting infront of me in class,just when i thought my life could not get any more crazy than it already is.Well it is good to see her again,to be honest i kind of missed her,but i never thought she would return.But something has changed about her,she has a pretty strong spiritual pressure around her,but the weird thing is,that her soul feels like mine somehow,but that's not possible is it,It's like im being intoxicated by it and to be honest i like it.I have never felt anything like it before.

Toriko pov

Finally the bell rings and i gather all my stuff and made my way to the front gate.Just when i was about to put my earphones in,someyone grabbed my wrist.

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