chapter one ; "hello."

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"Y/N, my darling." You looked into the tired eyes of the woman who taught you everything. Slowly turning your body words her, you held her hand.
"Yes, Nan?" She closed her eyes hearing your voice. Her free hand wrapped itself around a golden key hanging around her neck. "I want you to have this. It's an old key, passed down for generations." With these words she let go of your hand and used both to take off the necklace and putting in your warm hands. "What... is this?", you asked with a cracked voice.
"It's for when you're feeling helpless and sad. Please... watch over it." Her last words. Your grandmother's hands got colder, the heart monitor gave off an annoying beep. A doctor stepped into the room to support you. You were only 16 and didn't know what to do without her now. Your sobs turned into screams as nurses tried to calm you down.
Suddenly the voices faded and your vision went black. You only heart a faint voice calling out for you...
"It's fine now.", it said.


You woke up to your alarm beeping at 5 a.m. At first you noticed that you were sweating and your pillows were thrown out of bed. "The same dream..", you mumbled while touching your aching forehead. Quickly you grabbed the glass of water you prepared the night before to drink from it. This dream has been occuring a lot lately, that's why you now came prepared for its after effects. Dizziness, the need to throw up, headaches and what not.
You still haven't turned off your alarm so you went to do exactly that. "Another day, another persona.", you yawned, not excited for what was waiting for you outside of your apartment.

After you struggled to get up, you picked an outfit which was actually just your work clothes, showered and brushed your teeth. You always skipped breakfast because you're just not in the mood most of the time.
It was 6 a.m. already when you were done checking everything off your mental checklist. Taking a last look at zour small apartment, you grabbed your coat and keys, and dashed off after lockong the door. You checked if the key your Nan gave you was around your neck while jogging down the stairs and found it dangling left and right, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth. You forget to wear it sometimes and would panic if you had lost it.
The weather outside was actually quite nice. Not too hot but also not too cold. Just in the middle. You smiled a little at the feeling of fresh air hitting your face.

That smile would soon fade when you reached your destination: the café you worked at, 'Latiny'. Working at a café is not bad, it's just the people who work with you that make your mood go south. You worked together with a girl named Soo Hyun, another foreign girl named Olivia and a guy named Hoseok. Hoseok was not that bad, you had to admit. He was a sunshine and always laughed. Sometimes, it just got a little tiring since you're not always in the best mood. You never tell him though, he always calls you his "Work Best Buddie" and don't want to break his pure heart by rejecting that friendship. On the other hand are Olivia and Soo Hyun, sadly. They both seem so nice but behind their short bangs hide dark secrets. Soo Hyun loves to get on your nerves or talk behind your back. Olivia loves to tease you about your body image or other various things.
It seems small but it hits you hard in the chest. You told the manager once but she never believed you since they're "such sweet hearts".

You got back to the real world after thinking about them. Your hand wrapped around the golden handle of the glass door from the shop. Opening the door, the scent of coffee and vanilla hit your nostrills. It was a short, blissfull moment when you enter café's. The walls were painted a creme color and the wooden tiles seemed to shine as the light of the windows hit them. Chairs and tables were already placed neatly. You looked towards the display of cakes and even colorful bread where Hoseok was currently cleaning the counter. Appearantly, the sound of the cheerful bell that rang each time the door was opened, only reached his ears now since his head suddenly shot up.

"Y/N~!", exclaimed the korean boy while coming towards you to hug you. Once his arms wrapped around you, you returned the gesture and smiled a bit. "Hey Hobi. I see you came here early. Everything is already in order." Hoseok let go of you, still holding your shoulders, and looked around. "Oh yeah! I came here extra early, around 1 and a half hours ago, so that the manager sees that I will hold my promise of not coming late ever again.", he beamed at you, his mouth forming a confident smile as he let go of your shoulders and put one hand on his chest. You just chuckled at how happy he can be, this early.
Suddenly, something hit you. '1 and a half hours ago... It was 6 a.m. when I got out... The bus ride and walking...'. You turned your head towards the clock that was hanging neatly on one of the walls left from the counter. '7:49 a.m.', it read. Your eyes suddenly turned wide and you pushed Hoseok out of the way to go the worker's room. "Y/N? Why the rush?", the boy asked with a raised eyebrow. You stormed out of the room with your apron now on your body. "Where are Olivia and Soo Hyun?? We two can't work alone!"
That's because today was one of these days were many students would come and study since the finals are drawing closer. Hoseok leaned on a table and joked, "Why not?" He added a small wink at the end of the sentence. You just shook your head at him and continued, "We will be extremly full today! I mean, I'm glad when I get a day off of them but not today!" Hoseok's joking face turned into a caring smile.
"Hey, it'll be okay. Team Y/N-Seok can do anything! We'll manage this until others come for their shift, okay?" The dark-haired male placed a comforting hand on your head and ruffled your hair. It was nice to have such a brotherly figure around even though you don't like being around others.
With a final sigh, you looked to the clock and it was almost 8 a.m., the time when the café opened. "Alright. I guess we can try." Both of you fixed some tables or displayed new cake until the first customer came in. You greeted them and Hoseok then took their order as they sat down.

The morning was rather quiet and until 1 p.m. it stayed like that. Then the students came. It became a bit more stressing after that but you two managed it somehow. At 3 p.m. the other workers came in to switch shifts with you. They were actually high schoolers working there to get some extra pocket money but you trusted them since the manager also worked at that time.
"Wow, look at us Y/N! We made it through the day and everyone was happy.", Hoseok slightly put his hands up in victory. You just smiled at him slightly while grasping your key with your left hand. 'Thank god. I'm so tired. Already emotionally but now physically too...', you silently thought, looking at the ground. It went silent after that, the only thing that was heard were your footsteps and the busy streets.
After some minutes, Hoseok tapped you on the shoulder, "This is my turn now, Y/N/N. I'll see you on Monday!" He hugged you one last time and waved you goodbye as you waved back. Wait... 'Did he just call me a stupid nickname?? I'll get him back for that.'

You then went on to get to your destination: home. All you wanted to do was throw yourself on the couch and break down. It was weird. Lately you just wanted to cry each and every day. You felt empty in your stomach all of the sudden and got a pain near your heart. Bowing down a little, you were shocked. Is something wrong with you?
After the pain stopped, you brushed it off. 'Whatever...', you thought while going to your bus stop. Once you got on your bus, the rest of your way home was rather relaxing. But it all changed when you walked to the house where your apartment was in. You suddenly felt sick all over again. 'What is up with me?', you kind of hoped you got sick so that you would have an excuse not to go out.
You rummaged your coat pocket for the keys and found them. Two silver keys, you needed no other. One for the front door and one for your door.
You put it in the lock and turned it so that it made a small 'Click' noise. It was quiet in the hallway since all other residents of the house were already fully grown adults with stable jobs. You wanted to have something like that too. A stable life... Nothing to worry about...

As the first step was set on the steps to your apartment, you felt this weird feeling again, this time in your heart. With each step towards your door, it got intenser. 'Is my body warning me from something?' Impossible. You brushed this thought off too and unlocked your door, stepping inside immediatly and taking off shoes and coat. But there was something wrong. There was a weird presence in your apartment. Your heart beated faster at all the upcoming events that crossed your mind.
Slowly, you moved towards each room and checked. Nothing so far. The living room was the last room you checked. Opening the milky glass door, you stepped inside carefully only to find...
"A box?" You were utterly confused. It was a big rectangle box, the outside colored pitchblack. Once you came closer you noticed how it glittered blue in the dim light of the room. "I have to be careful, it could be a bomb. Or a predator. Or a lamp..? What is even going on??", you mumbled to yourself, close to panicking. Taking all your courage you stepped closer, only your finger tips touching it. Suddenly, the box faded into dust. You sprung back and your breathing became heavier. 'That doesn't happen normally!'

After the black box completly faded into nothingness, it revealed a... man?
"What the- What's- I-!", you couldn't form any words as you stepped back even more. The man had light blonde hair that was geled back at the sides and let loose giving him a side pony, smooth skin and had black piercings in his ears. He was rather tall and wore a dark blue shirt that was tucked into his black trousers. His shoes were a nightblack just like the watch he wore on his left arm. Not to mention last, he had a blue glowing chip at the right side of his head.
You were trembling, "What.. THE HELL is going on??" As if the man reacted to your question, he opened his eyes revealing the dark brown orbs that were hidden behind his lids before. "Hello.", the man breathed out with a low voice.

That was enough to make your world go dark as you fell backwards.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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