Chapter 1 :Mysterious Machine

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  "Should we go in?" asked Marielle uncertainly

"Maybe? Yes?" said Kelly-Ann

"Maybe........... No?" said Kuukua

  The three 13 year old Ghanaian girls, Kelly-Ann, Marielle and Janelle Kuukua were in an apartment, staring at an open latch which probably led to a basement.

"Okay we'll just go in and have a quick look." Kelly decided. She was a very curious girl, interested in almost everything she did not know and now her curiosity mounted each second.

"I.... don't know. What if I here's something back there?" said Marielle still uncertain.

"Then let's check to see if something is down there." Kelly said and started to go down the gaping hole.

"But shouldn't we wait for your auntie to come home? What if there's a dead body in there!? Said Kuukua a little worried.

"Auntie Tete said she won't be back until late and we'll be asleep by then. And why the heck will there be a dead body in there" Kelly asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe for juju!" said Marielle taking a step back from the latch. Kelly-Ann sighed. She didn't blame Marielle for thinking that. Juju was the Ghanaian name for witchcraft. And in Ghana there were lots of witches and wizards. Alot of people don't believe in witchcraft or the supernatural but in Ghana you won't have anyone try to convince you.
  But they weren't in Ghana right now. They were in New York, Manhattan in her Aunt's apartment for their vacation and she really doubted there were any witches here in New York City.
"Look we'll just take a quick peep, then we'll leave and tell Auntie Tete tomorrow morning OK?" she assured them. The two other black girls looked at each other, nodded and went down with her.

It led to a dark room. The girls turned on their phones for light. The three lights reviled a very dusty room filled with cobwebs. Broken pieces of furniture and broken toys left there by the earlier occupants of the apartment.

"OK there just broken stuff and cobwebs now let's go!" said Kuukua as she started to go back to the latch.

"Wait!" Kelly-Ann called after her.

"What!?" said Kuukua turning around to face her.

"Where's Marielle?"

Kuukua froze. She looked around searching for her. The African girl was gone! "Where did she go?" said Kuukua

"Marielle! Where are you?" called  Kelly.


Suddenly Kuukua felt something grip her shoulders and screamed. She quickly turned around...
Only to see Marielle laughing at her.

"It's not funny!" she yelled at her. But Marielle just kept laughing and Kelly laughed too. Kuukua just glared at them.

"Sorry" said Marielle smiling "Anyway, come and see this!" she grabbed their hands and pulled them to a brick wall. She then let go of them and walked right through it!

Kuukua and Kelly's jaw dropped. She just walked right trough the flippin' wall! Marielle poked her head through the wall from the other side "Come on!" she said excitedly (A/N: *sings* let's go won't you follow me, let's go won't you follow me now! :) )

The two girls looked at each other. Kelly just shrugged, took a deep breath, breathed out and walked right through it. She didn't feel anything, It was like the wall wasn't even there! Must be a hologram or something she thought. A second later Kuukua walked right through the wall too.

"It was like the wall wasn't there!" she gasped.

"I know right!" said Marielle who was standing beside Kelly-Ann still a bit excited. Now the girls were standing in a large white room which was covered with wires with different shades of pink. On one side of the room was something that looked like a control panel and on the other side was a hoop like machine. Some pink wires on the floor, the walls, and the ceiling were connected to the control panel and the strange machine.

"Woah! What is this place?" thought Kelly out loud as she walked over to the machine careful not to trip over the wires on the ground.

"I don't know but it's awesome!" said Marielle smiling.

Kuukua gaped "I can't believe this is probably right under your Auntie's apartment!" she muttered but it was loud enough for her friends to hear.

"Does your Aunty know about this?" she asked Kelly-Ann

"I don't think so." Kelly answered

"Do you think this place was made by aliens?" wondered Marielle out loud then started to make finger guns pretending to be an alien shooting people.
"Like the Kraang from TMNT!"

"Speaking of the Kraang" said Kelly glancing at her watch
"Do you guys want to watch TMNT 2012? I have all the episodes on my pen drive so we  can watch it on Kuukua's laptop" she smiled

"Yes! Let's go!" said Kuukua excitedly.

"Marielle let's go!" she yelled at Marielle who was looking at the control panel thingy

"Kk!" she yelled back starting to walk towards them
Suddenly she tripped over a large wire and fell, her hand accidentally pushed a few buttons on the panel.

And that's when every thing went wrong.

Immediately the wires that surrounded the room glowed brightly and the weird machine started to glow a bright pink.
The girls eyes widened in shock when they saw this.

"Marielle what did you do?!!" Kuukua yelled at her starting to panic

"I don't know!!" she yelled back at her obviously scared.

Suddenly a strong force started to pull the girls to the machine.

Nononononono!" Kelly panicked  trying to grab something to hold on to but found nothing.

The force on grew stronger than ever pulling them even closer and faster to the machine. Kelly  looked at her friends fear stricken faces as they were suddenly enveloped in a pink light. They screamed when the light hit them, in both pain and fear.
Pain because the light felt like fire, seeping into their bones and their brain making it feel like it was being hit by numerous red hot hammers and fear because they did not know what was happening, whether they would live through this or die or if they will ever see their families ever again.

Then both the light and the girls vanished. The machine and the wires stopped glowing leaving the place just like it was before, as if no one was there in the first place.

Hi readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapie! So.. Please vote and comment I love to hear from you guys! Bye mah turtle lovers! 🐢

Lilmike signing out!

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