Chapter 2: Huh?!

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Kelly's head hurt. Badly. But after a few minutes the pain was gone and she was able to open her eyes. Then she got confused.

Why am I seeing the stars?
She thought. Wasn't she supposed to be in her bedroom? It felt pretty cold too, like she was outside at night.

Then it all came back.

The wall. The machine. Kuukua and Marielle!
Immediately the young girl sat up and looked around her searching for her friends. She calmed down after her eyes rested on them. They were getting up a bit drowsily. There was something different about them. Kelly couldn't pinpoint what it was...
Then she realised it as they all turned to look at each other.

"What happened to your hair?"
They asked each other at the same time. They looked confused. What were each of them talking about?

Luckily Kuukua had a mirror with her. She quickly pulled it out and showed it to them so they could look. They all gasped at what they saw.
Kuukua and Marielle's hair were longer now about the same length except Kuukua's hair was in a large braid and had a red streak in it whiles Marielle's hair had a large bright yellow streak.
Kelly's hair was still short but it now gradually faded from her usual jet black at the roots to royal blue at the ends.

The girls just stared at the mirror in shock. "YES!!!" yelled Marielle as she tipped her fists into the air with a wide grin on her face. The other two girls jumped at the loudness of her voice and stared at her like she was crazy. Which is true. "What? I've always wanted long hair. " she shrugged

Kuukua and Kelly just stared at each other for a minute with a 'this girl is crazy' look on their faces. "Okay, our hair looks a bit
different, but the most important thing is to find out what the heck happened. "we said the now black and blue haired girl "Where are we anyway ? " asked the black and red haired girl.

They all looked at their surroundings. It's looked like they were in an alley and it was night time. Marielle peaked outside the alley and looked at the street. " Outside I guess" she said "The place was deserted. She looked around and her eyes landed on something that shocked her.
"Guys? You should see this,,," she whispered. The other girls didn't hear her. " So we landed in some portal thingy that miraculously changed our hair and brought us outside?" Kuukua concluded. Kelly just shrugged "Pretty much " she said. Marielle still tried to get their attention "Helloooo? GUYS! " she whispered yelled and finally got their attention "What's up?" Kelly asked as she and Kuukua looked at where the yellow and black haired girl was starring.
Their eyes widened in shock and disbelief at what they were seeing.
A little ahead of them in the road was a truck. Which happened to have the letters TCRI on it and some pinkish purple robots seemed to be loading some thing from it.

they were... Kraang bots!

"Holy crap on a cracker" Kelly breathed a bit to loudly. And the robots heard it as they turned their heads towards the sound the three girls quickly hid themselves. A bit too quickly because in their haste Kuukua bumped into a trash can which made a loud clatter which was louder than what you would expect from a single trash can.
The girls stared at the trash can and each other in horror.

There was no way the Kraang would not have heard that!
"Kraang orders you to come out!" a robotic voice commanded as the sound of metallic footsteps headed their way. The girls exchanged frightened glances.

They were doomed!


Kelly yelled. The girls immediately dashed out of the ally away from the Kraang. "Stop!" the Kraang yelled as they ran after them. The girls ran as fast as they could not believing what was happening.
This can't be real! Kelly thought. Right now her mind was swimming.
These guys are fictional!

They soon got close to some more trash cans. Kelly immediately grabbed one and tossed it at the robots. That was a good idea since it knocked them down. She was a bit surprised but proud of herself.
"How the heck are these guys real?! " Marielle asked no one in particular. They were all wondering the same thing.
"Come on! This way" Kuukua pointed to another ally. The girls ran to it Marielle looked back to see if the Kraang was
Still following them she didn't see them. "I think we lost them!"
she said cheerfully as she turned her head to smile at her friends.

Big mistake.

".....Oww.. "

She groaned as she slid of the hard surface. Unfortunately, Marielle's face got introduced to a wall in the most painful way.

" Are you OK?" Kuukua asked worried.

Marielle wobbled a bit as she stood up, " I'm OK!" she assured giving her a thumbs up.

Then something whizzed passed them and landed right on her neck.

"Ow!" she yelled as it hit her
She pulled it out and looked at it. It was some kind of dart.
" Damn it....."
She muttered as she began to feel drowsy.
Why do I feel so......she yawned Sleepy?......
" Night night" she said as she fell on the ground unconscious.

The two remaining girls were also hit and immediately began to feel drowsy. They too fell.

But just before Kuukua became unconscious she saw what looked Like......eyes watching from the roof top. What.......? Was her last thought right before everything turned black.

So I haven't updated a very looooooooong time and I'm really sorry. I'll try to update more. It's just
that I need some more ideas!!!
So I'll do my best with this book!

Bye mah turtle lovers!🐢❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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