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"Okay young people! Last day for fitness exams. If you've already taken it and passed go to the left side of the gym for volleyball. If you haven't taken it, bring it in. If you've taken it and failed, also bring it in." Coach laughed at his own speech. The class filed out of the bleachers.

Rita headed toward the coach but turned around and reached out a hand to me mouthing "help me". I waved goodbye headed to the far side of the gym.

It seemed the only ones that passed the test so far were me and other students on sports teams. The assistant teacher divided up teams and I took my place.

"Hey, Wings. What's up?" I looked to my left to see Yuri. I got annoyed. He seemed nice enough but now he'd given me this stupid nickname.

"Shouldn't you be called Wings? You work at a wing place, not me. They weren't mine anyway." It came out sounding a lot harsher than I intended and I regretted it.

I'd barely had any sleep and I was running on fumes. I'd woken up early that morning in Jax's dorm room. After freaking out and checking for signs of sex (whatever the hell that was) I was confident we hadn't done anything but the mere act of being in a guys dorm room alone put me on edge.

I fled and used the excuse of needing to finish my scholarship essay before asking him to drop me off back in Brooklyn.

After a few hours in school, I was barely functional. Yuri chuckled but I could tell he picked up the bitch vibe. I was too tired to care. I focused in on the ball and started the game.

I took these little tournaments more serious than I should have. Mostly because I wanted to prove myself against the jocks. Everyone turned out to their games and collectively hoisted them on a pedestal.

But the school didn't cheer me on when I won the nationwide essay contest three years in a row. Gym class was my little revenge. I spiked the ball hard into a group of cheerleaders. They gave me dirty looks. I loved it.

By the time the period ended I'd gained a few more enemies but I'd worked out some frustration. I waited for Rita to finish her fitness exam before we headed off to the locker room.

She was complaining about every part of her body that hurt when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Yuri jogging over to me.

"Hey." He said as he stopped in front of me. Hands anchored on his hips. He still dripped with sweat from the game.

"Hey." I self consciously wicked the sweat off of my face. I'm sure I didn't pull off the sweaty but alluring look quite like he did.

"Look, I didn't mean anything about the 'Wings' thing. I was just being funny...but not I guess." I was confused as to why he cared if I was offended. It wasn't like we were some longtime friends having a tiff. We'd barely spoken a word to one another.

"It's fine. It was no big deal. I'm just tired...short fuse you know?" I pulled my sweaty gym shirt away from my body only for it to cling back.

"Yeah, I get it. You were good out there today though. Rough but good." He threw me a knowing look and I looked away with a smirk.

"Thanks." The gym was emptying and it wouldn't be long before the bell sounded for the next class. I was headed home.

"I think we actually live across the street from each other. So...See you around, Bridget." He said before casually walking across the gym toward the boys' locker room.

I knew where he lived. But he didn't need to know that. I stayed quiet and watched him for longer than I intended.

"I don't know what vibe you're giving off girl but I want some. Your milkshake is bringing all the boys to the yard." I should have known that Rita would not be too far and was listening in the entire time. I'd told her all about Jax. About our night together.

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