f i f t y t h r e e | Pain & Dance

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Siddharth's Point Of View

We took off for India that evening. Pihu had requested me to bring her Aisha mom along with myself to the mansion and I knew getting into an argument with her was useless. She would get what she wanted in any case.

Aisha had also agreed to come along with me.

As I walked into my mansion I found Pihu immediately running towards me and hugging me tightly.
I embraced her back with pleasure.
"I missed you..", she said softly.
"I missed you too,Pihu..", I said as she released me of her embrace. I kissed her on her forehead softly when suddenly someone else walked into the scene.
"Hello sir, I'm Abhishek Kapoor.", She said. I had definitely seen him somewhere. He was nearly Pihu's age as he beamed.
"Abhi?", Aisha said walking up beside me, looking shocked.
"Yes, Aisha mom. He's my friend.", Pihu said with a smile.

Aisha's gaze fell upon her finally, as tears immediately welled up in her eyes. She tried to look away but could not as Pihu immediately hugged her tightly. Aisha's tears finally gave away as they flowed down incessantly as she hugged her darling daughter tightly. I felt my throat go numb as I could clearly remember those beautiful days when we were a happy family. How she scolded me when I did something wrong.. How she helped me wear my tie when I could not... Tears did blur my view but I immediately rubbed them off. I drew in a deep breath. A sharp ache in my heart as I remembered those days when we used to fight for no reason absolutely, enjoying even that part of each others' company.

"Sir, can I ask you something?", Abhishek said coming and standing beside me as Aisha and Pihu finally moved away.
I nodded into a yes, wiping off a tear from the corner of my eye.
"Sir, don't you love Aisha Aunty?", He asked as I immediately looked back at him.
"You are Aditya's son?", I asked finally remembering that he was the only student who's parents had not been present on the Prize Distribution Ceremony.

Yes.", He said with a sigh.
"I'll tell you something if you don't mind.", He said as I nodded.
"Ask her once why she had left you.. I'm sure she'll tell you the truth.", He said as I realised something.

"You mean to say she did not leave me because she did not trust me?", I asked with a raised brow as he immediately looked like he was caught up in a bad situation.
"I-I don't know, but I feel.", He said immediately covering it all up.
The doubt had already formed in head. Maybe he was correct.

"Dad!", Pihu's voice pulled me out of my thoughts immediately.
"Yes, Pihu.", I said with a smile.
"Dad, I want to do pre - birthday party, I've called my friends and their parents, but I want both of you to be a part also.", She said, beaming.
I never denied her anything as I agreed. Aisha looked emotionless as she walked up to what used to be our room.

I followed her upstairs.
"I'm sorry but, I could not say no to Pihu. I hope you've got no problems.", I said, trying to sound as off hand as possible.
"I don't mind.", She replied before unpacking her suitcase.
"Pihu told me that Sasha will also be here with us, I hope you don't mind.", She said sounding completely emotionless.
"I definitely don't.", I stated as she nodded curtly.

Next evening I was ready in my black tuxedo feeling much better than I usually felt. A satisfaction stayed, that finally Aisha was here. I somehow could never hate her.
She was trying to put the hook of her necklace which seemed to be a tricky business. I slowly edged behind her as I held her hands which were trying to put the necklace. She froze as she looked up at me through the mirror. Her eyes shone with a distinct light as if she longed for my touch. We had a brief eyelock which she broke after a few moments, looking down as she removed her hands from the necklace. I put the hook and moved away. She was wearing a royal blue gown with a pearl necklace. Her long hair dressed in perfect curls making her look heavenly.

"Let's go.", I said softly.
"Hmm.", She said as we walked down the flight of stairs as everyone stared up at us.
"Dad!", Pihu said as I found her standing with that Abhi, her friend. She was also dressed in a gown which was baby pink in colour. I suddenly realised how beautiful my daughter had become.

Both of us walked down to her.
"Dad, I want one more thing..", Pihu said making a puppy face.
"Of course, your Highness.", I said with a slight bow.
"Dad, please dance with Aisha mom.. Please.. For me..", she said in a pleading voice. I sighed.
"Okay.", I mumbled as Aisha looked at me in anticipation.

"Play the music.", Abhishek aka Abhi said as suddenly the lights went off and only the spot light lit up on me and Aisha. Everyone stopped as slowly the song started tuning in, I gave my hand to Aisha who accepted it. We walked up to the little elevated stage hand in hand.

I pulled her towards myself. Suddenly I felt my heart beat vigorously in my chest as I placed my hand around her waist. Her hands entwined and our eyes locked.

Sadkon pe chahe mahlon mein rahein
Jitne bhi chahe pahron mein rahein
Koi hume kabhi kar paaye na juda

Girija mein nahi mandir nahi
Kisi dargah ke dar par nahi
Dekha maine tere chehre pe hi khuda

The song went on as we danced, our eyes locked, her eyes wanting to say a lot and my senses wishing to hear it all.
Her beautiful curls blowing lightly in the soft wind around us. She looked like my old Aisha, who I missed so desperately.

Old feelings suddenly seemed to rejunivate within us.

Aisha suddenly shut her eyes as tears streamed down them. I felt the old wound open up again as we edged closer, as of oblivious to the huge crowd staring at us.
"Aisha..", my breath laboured as she opened her eyes, tears visible.
"Why..?", Was all I asked as she immediately left me and moved out of the scene, unable to tolerate it anymore.

I immediately followed her.
This was not going to be her way.

Author's note:
Okay, I'm late again and I'm sorry..
What do you think about this chapter?
Tell me in the comments section.
And yes, we're nearing the end of this book!
Thank you so much for your support guys.. really!


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