The Progression

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"I didn't know you were coming this early! Hold on let me go finish getting dressed."

Ethan quickly runs back to him room to put on a shirt and a pair of jeans and returns within seconds.

"Can I ask what's going on?" I ask in confusion. It's not that I'm not happy to finally meet Lisa, I just don't know why she's here.

She used to fly out here just to see the twins a lot but considering Grayson isn't even here I wonder why she'd fly out just to see Ethan.

Not that she isn't allowed to but, it just seems weird.

"Oh Javontae, you do know I'm still only 17 right? I cant get an apartment in my own name so I asked her to come out and help us look. That's how Gray and I got our last two apartments."

The explanation makes since as this was a concern I had been thinking about. Although he does have a lot of money he is still a minor and can't legally get an apartment in his own name, unless he was emancipated which he is not.

"So honey, how many beds we looking for? Just two, or three? You know Gray is gonna come back eventually you can't just leave him out."

Ethan snarls at the idea, throwing his head back to look at up the ceiling in frustration.

Crossing his arms and taps his foot on the floor as he knows he will never win in an argument against his mom no matter how hard he tries.

He knows she's right, Gray is going to come back and it would be fucked up if he didn't have a place to stay just because Ethan can't put his pettiness aside.

"Ugh we'll mom, if we're going to do a 3 bed room we might as well get a house. You know apartments out here are crazy expensive why not just get our own place?"

This is something I had thought about as well. But we are still really young, getting a house would be too much of a hassle at our age.

"Well there's a lot that goes into getting a house that you don't know about yet. Let's just find you guys a spacious apartment and go from there."

Is this even real right now?

Sometimes I find myself being constantly reminded about my fan boy days as they weren't so far in the past.

I was JUST stanning this boy a little more than a month ago. Editing him, watching his videos and stalking his every movement.

And fast forward to this very moment right now, where I'm having a conversation with Ethan and his creator about finding an apartment for us.

This isn't even luck, what is this? Is it a set up? A video idea him and gray constructed that'll end up hurting me in the end?

This is just too crazy to me to actually be real.

Ethan nods in agreement with what his mother says and returns back to his room to finish getting ready.

"So how likely is it that you and Ethan will share a room?"

My cheeks start to get warm as the blush starts to hijack my face.

Lisa is so blunt you can't tell if she's being shady or if she's just trying to be a funny. It's also another quality that Ethan has obtained from her.

"Well, pretty likely honestly. I mean this place has multiple rooms but I've only been in Ethan's the last few weeks I've been here."

After I give the response I realize I'm twiddling my thumbs. Am I nervous? I thought that had past. I've never been good with meeting people's parents.

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