chapter 1

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What is the proper way to tell a story? A story, let's say a modernized fairy tale generally stats with 'once upon a time', but it's of present time only. At least, not that much of a long ago thing.

So, let's start with 'a bright sunny day', now that would be boring, because it's always sunny here in my place. So it was a day like that, I was lying on my bed.

- 'wake up! Princess, its morning and the breakfast is waiting.' A familiar voice called.

- 'umm, good morning Miss Nova, can I have five more minutes please? ' I pleaded.

- 'I'm sorry Princess, but her majesty will be very disappointed if you reach late for breakfast, moreover it's a very important day for you.' She said.

- 'I know, I'm going to college.' I said and left the bed.

-'and it's your first day' Miss Nova said while helping me, 'and because you're such a well mannered girl, I'm sure you'll be good.'

After sometime, she was doing my hair. I was thinking about my soon to be started college. Previously, Miss Nova told me a thing or two about my new college, but that wasn't enough, I thought. So I asked her –

- ' tell me more about the college'

- 'Oh! That's not just a regular college Princess' she said 'it's beyond that, it's the best college for fairies in the whole magic dimension and not every fairy gets the chance to study there.'

- 'That's why everyone is extremely happy with me going there isn't it? 'I asked.

- 'Absolutely Princess. The Queen also went there, her majesty was my senior there' she said.

This was known to me, that my mother was a student of Alfea institution, the best college for fairies in the whole magic dimension. Not only student, but also a faculty for some years. Though for some strange reason, she doesn't talk about her college much. In fact she has only one friend form there I don't know anything else.

My mom is a busy person indeed. She's not only the Queen of the planet but also, one of the best fashion designers of the dimension. She gets a very little time to spend with me, but she loves me a lot as I'm her only child.

Oh! I forgot to tell you all, I'm Princess Sabrina (her majesty, her highness and all that! Bleh!) Of Solaria, and my mother is Queen Stella of Solaria.

Solaria is the planet of the shinning Sun. It has two suns and it never rains or storms here, as I stated before, it's always sunny here. I'm the Princess of Solaria, and a fairy of course! Our royal family has my grandparents - King Radius and Queen Luna, my parents – King Brandon and Queen Stella, and me. My mom is the fairy of the shinning sun, the guardian fairy of the planet of Solaria and also the keeper of the Solaris's sun. She's very beautiful, but I don't resemble her at all. I look like my dad. I've dark brown hair and eyes like him, and I've got his intelligence as well.

As I turned 16 and got my real fairy wings, the whole family wanted me to go to Alfea. It's situated in planet Magix. Everyone was happy when I got the chance to study there, except mom. She was worried about me. I couldn't figure out why, especially when she herself was a student of Alfea, she was familiar with the college after all.

At first, she said she won't allow me to go there, even after I got the chance. Then Dad convinced her and made her change her mind. But she never stopped worrying.

Finally, the day has arrived and my bags were all packed and I was ready to start a new life.

I reached the dining hall of the royal palace of Solaria. Everyone was already there, I took my chair.

- 'Good morning everyone!' I said

- 'Good morning! Princess Sabrina! Ready for the college?' King Radius, my grandfather asked.

- 'Of course I am grandpa! I....' I couldn't finish.

- 'Shall we start? Princess you can continue after the breakfast' the Queen, My mom slammed.

- 'sure' I said 'let the breakfast begin'

We all started eating. I heard my Dad saying after sometime –

- 'Easy honey! I know you're worried but.....'

- 'I beg your pardon my king, but we surely don't talk while having a meal you know' mom slammed again.

She was surely in a very bad mood, which was rare and I had no idea what was it about.

After finishing the food, with my bags in the hallway, I said everyone that I was going to miss each of them.

- 'Mom! Dad you two are coming with me right?' I demanded

- 'No Sabrina! Not a single parent goes there to drop a freshman, everyone goes alone, and so will you.' Dad said.

- 'Well, Miss Nova is not any parent of mine, she can come then' I said.

- 'Of course she will, Nova!' Mom called and she nodded 'your majesty'

- 'Go with the Princess and make sure no one, I repeat, NO ONE can do anything to her.' Mom ordered.

- 'I got it your Majesty' Miss Nova said, and we left the palace.

Oh! I'm sooooooo excited!

- 'She's gonna be fine, stop worrying so much Stella!' Brandon said.

- 'You know exactly what' bothering me Brandon, don't you?' Stella said.

- 'It's been 16 years honey! 16 years and deep inside you also know that it was no one's fault; it was just a destined mishap. 'Brandon said.

- 'You're right! You know what Brandon, you know the truth as well, and you just don't want to accept it that's all' Stella demanded.

- 'Someday you'll understand the real truth dear, I'll just wait for that day to come soon' Brandon hugged her.

- 'All I know as for now is, I don't want anyone to mess with my baby girl' she buried her face on his chest.

- 'And no one will dare to do that Stella! Our baby girl is a fairy now, and she's our girl, she knows how to handle situations and fight back. Now just relax. You know I can't see you like this.' Brandon kissed her.

- 'I love you Brandon' Stella returned the kiss.

- 'And I love you too, my sunshine' Brandon said.





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