Hey, everyone. It's me again. This is a story about a girl. A friend of mine called Ivy de Leeuw told me it. She said that could use it íf I would mention her in my words. So it's not my story. Anyway I hope you'll enjoy it!
'Ivy?! We are leaving now!' I heard my mom scream from down the stairs. Mom and dad had a booked weekend in a hotel. 'Well, Okay! Don't do stupid things I'll regret!' I yelled back down. The stairs... Such a creepy one. I don't know why but I don't like it. It's so tall ans so steep. Some times, if you listen closely, you could hear it squeak.
After they left I was reading book in my room. "Krrrr... Krrrr." I heard it. I heard the Stairs. 'Oh no, not again. I ran down the stairs. That always helps. Kinda creepy isn't it? Sometimes I think I've become crazy. I come down and I decided to watch tv for a little while. I turn it on and a movie bigins; Child's play. 'Cool! A horror film. As if this day isn't creepy enough already.'
After zapping around for a few minutes, I heard the squeaking again. It turns out that I am kinda curious, because I found myself down the stairs, looking at them. I look closely and I see that you can open it.
With trembling fingers I open one of the steps. 'AAAAHH' I scream as I fall to the ground. In the steps lies a head. A chopped off head. With the blood still dripping. "Drip, drop, drup..." I close the step. When I want to walk back, I see that the whole stairs now is dripping with blood. The blood slowly making its waydown like a waterfall.
I scream. I want to hide. Beneath the stairs is a closet. 'There I can hide.' I think out loud. I almost ran in there.
I closed the door behind me. It was pitch black. At that point I thought I could go back to the tv, but then I saw two little red lights.
I turn on the light in the closet. That was not a smart idea. I saw a man. Blood covered his body. ' You came in my Stairs, and you will never leave.' He says with a grin. It was a grin of a mad man, from a killer. The last thing I felt was the metal of the knife he used to chop of my head.
Since that day my head lies in one of the steps. My head is never found. I dare you to look in that stairs.
The Stairs
HorrorIt's all thanks to Ivy de Leeuw! Inspiration song for her to tel the story: Laughing Jack's epic Pop goes the Weasel (I know... Kinda crazy name huh?)