The History

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Camp Crystal Falls was a very famous Camp site Unit Lee came up with a plan for the Counselors amusement...Kill certain types of Campers! All of the Counselors were hesitant but sooner or later they thought it was a better way to keep the counselors happy, with no interruptions from the certain types of  Campers. Lee would kill the ones that would disrespect, Won't be quiet, or bully the other Campers. As you would have read before, Samuel would kill the sluts but he was still hesitant about the other Campers so he protected them. Elizabeth, the passive-aggressive Young counselor would only kill the ones that would get on her nerves. But they had a way to keep this a secret. Elizabeth would not get so aggressive to the Campers with others around so no suspicion. Lee would not show any way that she would like to hurt them but then have a talk in the woods, sooner or later killing them but then saying that she already went to bed while they stayed late. Finally Samuel, he was one of the nicest counselors and didn't do any thing to have suspicion on him. But late at night him and Elizabeth would go and get those Campers and soon off kill them the way Lee did.

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