There's a First Time for Everything...

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Shizuo finally let go of Izaya when they reached his front door after walking slowly in comfortable silence, despite the almost electrically charged air that crackled between them. The blonde dug a hand into his pockets to pull out his keys, jingling them nervously before unlocking the door. "It's not much... but it's home," he said quietly, turning the handle slowly and glancing back at Izaya with a lopsided grin. "I hope..."

The blonde couldn't get another word out before he felt Izaya slam into him, his demanding mouth claiming Shizuo's. The two men stumbled in through the door, Izaya's tongue instantly invading Shizuo's mouth as the blonde pushed the other man's fur trimmed coat off his shoulders to fall to the floor. Shizuo quickly took the initiative and slammed the door shut behind them by shoving Izaya roughly up against it.

The brunette moaned softly as his hands dove under the bartender's shirt to grope blindly at the hot-to-the-touch skin beneath. His fingers danced over Shizuo's torso, as if trying to memorize every inch of hard muscle beneath the smooth skin. The blonde groaned at the feeling of Izaya's hands and pushed him further against the door, sliding a leg between the brunette's. Shizuo pulled back to catch his breath, staring down into Izaya's flushed face. His eyes were caught by the shorter man's pouty lips, parted slightly as he, too, seemed to gasp for air.

"Off," Izaya demanded as his hands slid up Shizuo's sides, pushing the shirt up over the blonde's head. The brunette's eyes dropped to stare at the well defined upper body that he had only gotten hints at throughout the night. He sighed happily as he dropped his head to trail his tongue along Shizuo's collarbone and bite into the flesh of his shoulder. "Shizu-chan's so tasty."

Shizuo growled at the feeling of Izaya's teeth clamping down sharply at his skin, enjoying the feeling more than he thought he would. One of his hands found its way to slide his fingers through Izaya's silky ebony hair while he continued licking, nipping and kissing at the bartender's neck and shoulders. The distracted blonde soon felt Izaya shove him backward, slamming Shizuo against the wall in the entryway.

Izaya smirked up at the blonde as he dropped a hand to paw at the front of Shizuo's pants, feeling just how excited he was. "So hard already, Shizu-chan," Izaya purred in the bartender's face while his free hand pulled Shizuo's hand toward his own trapped erection. "Though I suppose I'm not one to talk." He released Shizuo but the blonde's hand continued to fumble awkwardly at the front of Izaya's pants. "So eager to play..."

Shizuo was lost to the sound of Izaya's voice and the feeling of his body against his while a hand tugged at his belt before deftly unbuttoning the front of his pants. "Wait," he said, forcing himself to take a slow, shaky breath. "I don't... I want to... Can we move out of the entryway?"

Izaya's hands stopped immediately while his eyes softened. "Of course," he said quietly. "I didn't mean to rush things. I have just never wanted anything so desperately in my life. I couldn't control myself." The brunette took a deep breath as he stepped back from pushing Shizuo against the wall. "I'll rein myself back in... I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you haven't really done this before. Am I... making you uncomfortable?"

"No! I just... I want to at least... I don't know. Get inside my apartment before anything... happens," Shizuo explained awkwardly, bringing a hand up to run his fingers through his hair roughly. He felt his face burn in embarrassment as he turned his head to the side. "Not that I'm expecting anything..."

"Shizu-chan," Izaya interrupted sharply, his hands grabbing the sides of Shizuo's face, forcing him to look into his piercing crimson eyes. "Don't get timid on me now. If you want something to happen... make it happen. I sure as hell am not going to stop you." He paused to push his body against the blonde's again, making sure the other man felt his erection straining in his pants. "Does it feel like I don't want anything to happen?"

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