1 : Perspective

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I open my eyes to a brown haze. At first I can't quite tell what it is, but everything just... just... feels different. Like reverse déjà vu. My perspective tells me I'm looking upwards. Why was the sky brown. There were no beads of sand tickling my face, and the sand storm theory was quickly dropped. Instantly, a burst of colors and ideas flashed to my mind like a freight train! A, a, a bus. A masked man. A helicopter. Panic. Fear. Hate. It all came crashing into my mind- but nothing of value or sense came either. These slices of ideas were all that came to me. I forced my body to get up, and a stabbing pain shocked my spine. I lurched and dropped back on my back. Deep, nervous breaths filled and collapsed my lungs as I tried to make out what was going on. Then everything went black and the wretched dreams began.

I opened my senses to a bustling city engrossed by a large window. A cloud like fluffiness surrounded my head, and I felt tired. Where am I? What happened? Suddenly a mammoth shout overtakes me! It's disturbing, it's loud, it's evil... it's my mom. "Breakfast is ready Preston! Your waffles are getting soggy!" Waffles! My favorite! I jump up and run down the stairs, and a heavenly aroma taps my nose, as if it's arousing me to come investigate. The plate was already on the table with my waffles and I chomped down maliciously to get every last bite. The usual routine of school went on and I shut my door behind me, starting to jog to the bus stop. It was 7:14, and the bus was scheduled to show up at 7:25 like very other day. The time flew... till 7:35. Where was that stupid yellow moving box? I was late for school already. Then a car skipped by. It was like every other one, but it had one of those signs like a pizza delivery vehicle. It said ' 3792 A .' I just shoved it out of my mind because it didn't matter. The time passed... 7:41...7:58...8:05. Then someone hit my shoulder. No big deal. Then 2 big taps met my collarbone. Frustrated, I turned around- and ramming knuckles crushed my nose.

I jumped breathing heavily! What just happened? That was the scariest dream I've had in... I don't know. I can't recall my past life. A mother, a father, a friend, a girl. Nothing came through. I got up and started moving. My sore eyes saw only a rocky, Martian landscape. Brown, brown, maybe some yellow is all I saw. On my 360 degree spiral, the first view of inhabitance came into view. A sleek black building that looked like it was brand spanking new. And the number of floors? Limitless. I literally couldn't put this into perspective even if I tried. And one look of the side told me it extended in width in a limitless manner. Wherever I was, it had to hold the record for the biggest building there. Or even in the world. But that's assuming I'm even in this world... whatever. This isn't the time to go all sci-fi on myself. Before I realized it, I was at the massive door of the facility. I pushed the handle to uncover an intricate computerized mechanism that asked for my name- which was something I didn't even know. At that exact moment it flashed in my head. That lady- who I unconsciously called mom. "Preston," I said to the advanced technology. Bright green letters flashed across the screen. ACCESS GRANTED. The titanic door smoothly slid to reveal a huge interior which was completely unfurnished, nor decorated. Black and professional seemed to be the theme in this institution. A single door was centered towards the back. Like an elevator even. This is it. This is my calling. I will get out of this place and go back to my forgotten life. I ran to the elevator- and what happened next changed my life forever.

to be continued...

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