I'll Protect You

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AN: Both Fumikage and Tsuyu are adults in this one-shot and the two have never met before.

Fumikage was running down the street, he had just got off of the train. But as he walked around the Omega saw another male following him. It was creepy, he needed to get home or find an Alpha that could protect him. His second gender was usually way weaker than the other second genders, so if the creep following him was a Beta or Alpha his only line of defense was his quirk. But it was pretty dark outside so if he used his quirk right now it would probably spiral out of control, and that wasn't the prettiest thing to see. So he needed to find an Alpha, any Alpha.

Fumikage kept checking behind him to see if that creep was still following him, he ended up bumping into a woman. The green haired woman soon turned to look at the male who bumped into her. The girl was very beautiful, she was frog-like but very beautiful. She was very short for an adult standing at about 5,2. Fumikage easily toward over her standing at 5,6. After getting a whiff of her scent he soon realized the woman before him,  was an Alpha. And it seemed that the girl before him figured out that he was an Omega.

" Uh sorry miss! I'm Tokoyami Fumikage and I have a favor to ask of you. As you can tell I'm an Omega. Well, what you don't know is, is that some creep is following, since you're an Alpha can you protect me? I'll do whatever you want just please help me, " the male said frantically as she looked to check to see how much time he had till the man would find him.

" Oh that's it, I'm fine with helping you! I'll tell you what I want from you after this. Don't worry it's not gonna be anything weird. Any other Alpha would probably take advantage of you, so you're lucky it's me you asked for help. Also my names Asui Tsuyu, but call me Tsu, " the woman said as she stepped in front of Fumikage. As the creep neared closer Tsuyu began to growl and bare her teeth.

" Oh this is your Omega, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You should probably mark him before another Alpha does. It would be very inconvenient if someone took that pretty Omega of yours, " The unknown male hissed, licking his lips as he looked a Fumikage. The bird-headed male well a chill go up his spine as the unruly man looked at him. He just wanted to get home. After Tsuyu growled one more time the man proceeded to leave.

" Now that that creep is gone would you be willing to come to a family reunion with me. My family would totally make fun of me if I tell them that I don't have an Omega. So Tokoyami would you be willing to come with me?, " Tsuyu said turning to Fumikage who stood behind her. The male nodded in agreement and took out his phone, handing it to the Alpha so she could put her phone number in. Tsuyu had named the contact Froppy, her hero name. She then handed Fumikage her phone so that he could put in his phone number. He labeled the contact Tsukoyomi, his hero name.

" I'll text you when the reunion is and where to meet me. Make sure to wear something pale green, that's the color theme. Uh, I'll text you later, " Tsuyu said as the two parted ways. Tsuyu actually lived pretty close by, but she was heading to a dress shop to find a dress to wear. She felt sorta happy that she would see Fumikage again in the near future.


Two weeks and a half has passed since the two first met. And that time period the two got to know each other a bit better. They had gone on about 5 platonic dates in the time period and had grown to become good friends. But Fumikage wanted to be something more. He was so scared that Tsuyu wouldn't feel the same way and he would end up making a fool of himself. The Alpha was a goddess in Fumikage's eyes, she was very beautiful. And her personality was absolutely stunning. She seemed soft for an Alpha, the only time she seemed to be aggressive was when they first met and she was trying to protect him. But Fumikage always wondered how aggressive she could get. The Omega had found that he liked it rough, and he would often masturbate to the thought of Tsuyu pulling his feather-like hair, spanking him, and calling him all sorts of rude names.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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Alpha Tsuyu Asui x Omega Fumikage Tokoyami ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now