floor (-04)

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LISA wakes up, sweating bullets. This was the first night she had dreamt of this ever since the incident.

She dreamt of it. The elevator. The darkness. The room where he and Jungkook stayed in. The otherworld...

It has been almost 5 weeks, 33 days to be exact since Taehyung passed away. But this was the first time she had dreamt of it after all of that. You could say it's normal because of trauma, but for her part, she's actually weirded out. The fact that it just suddenly came back to her and haunts her in her dreams doesn't seem to feel right.

She sits up and reaches for her phone. The screen was already in the messages and is ready to type in a message.

 The screen was already in the messages and is ready to type in a message

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But then she backs out and deleted the typed-in message right away. He's probably asleep and she didn't want to disturb him. She'll probably tell it in the morning or soon.

She sighed as she went up to make hot milk.

+ + +

IT WAS A NORMAL workday for Jisoo. She's now walking the streets, making her way towards the bus stop to her work. She was waiting for a bus, but the bus is always too full. Jisoo looks at the time written on her watch. It reads "7:57 am" and she's almost late. And she'll most likely get a scolding from her boss.

She then hears a car honk two times by her front that made her lookup. The car was very familiar at first and that suspicion was confirmed when the window from the passenger seat rolled down.

"Yah come on, ride in with me. You're probably late for work." It was Jin, her boyfriend.

Yeah, the boyfriend whom I saw flirting with a co-worker.

She was upset about what she saw yesterday that's why she didn't even bother calling him to help her go to work.

"Yah! Come on and hop in! I have some chicken for you!" At the sound of chicken, it's as if Jisoo totally forgot about her being upset and quickly got in the car. She then looks from the passenger seat to the back seat and indeed a bucket of chicken was there.

"Omo you were ignoring me yesterday up until a while ago, then when I mentioned chicken you come in here?!" Jin rants.

"Just drive," Jisoo says as she rolls her eyes.

"Aigoo, be thankful I love you," he mumbles but was loud enough for Jisoo to hear, and then he drives off.

Jisoo just secretly smiles, her smile is very wide in fact. But the two were just silent, and as Jisoo's office comes near, Jin just passed it by.

"Yah, Jin-ie you do know that we just passed the office right?"

"Yeah. I told your boss that I'll be dropping you at 10 am so don't worry about it." He says and turns to Jisoo and winks.

Elevator Game: Down 'N Deeper / bts x bp ffWhere stories live. Discover now