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There wasnt anything special about today

It was perfectly normal.

Normal like how the sun shines on me normal. Normal like me going to school normal. Normal like seeing my friends at the schoolgates normal.

"Kyouka!!" And normal like hearing Denki say my name normal.

After running to the classroom wothout as much a second glance at him, I would normaly give him a handmade breakfast of a bacon-filled and egg-filled three-layered sandwich, made by me of course, and then he wpild normally say thanks and would normally say how it was such a 'sweet gesture' as he calls it. I would then normally secretly smile, and would normally hide my embarassement from my classmates' teasing.

And then homeroom would normally start with Mister Aizawa telling the class to sit, and the classroom would be tensely quiet. Except of course Midoriya who would normally mimble something about the lesson, and Bakugo would normally yell at the other for being noisy and threatening to kill him in front of the class. Then it woild normally end with Mister Aizawa erasing their quirks and binding Bakugou with his cloth.

And then the whole day would normally go on peacefully, and then we would normally go back to the dorms.

But just like what I said, it was perfectly normal that even villain attacks are considered one, and then Height Alliance would normally be in lockdown, and the teachers and students would normally defend or fight back if needed be, which is normally necessary.

- - - - -

I ran to the source of the light. Where ever there is lightning, a Kaminari Denki would surely be at the scene. I turned around the corner of Ground Beta, hoping to see him fighting to his last limits, villains all around him. But when I reached the place, I saw Denki. And there was something not normal about him.

I mean, he wouldn't normally be holding Bakugou up by the neck like that right? And Todoroki wouldn't normally be lying on the ground, completely still. And Kirishima wouldn't normally have electricity all over his body making him completely useless. And Tsu wouldn't normally be so cautious of Denki and shouting along the lines of 'Stop doing this Kaminari ' or ' Why are you with the League of Villains'.

I approached them, which I normally wouldn't do in this circumstance. And the moment I made the slightest sound of calling his name...

"Denki..." I called him, as if it was completely normal.

He then let go of Bakugou, turned to me and smiled apologetically. He reached for me, but I took a step back. My breathing was heavy, probably because of all the running and the fighting that I did, and my head was dizzy.

"I'm confused..." I said quietly.

Denki, like me, looked confused too. He raised an eyebrow at me, and I could see his eyes. There really was something wrong with him. The normal glint of his eyes that was full of life and jovial happiness, the seriousness that it would normally have when ever he's ready to fight, were now replaced with coldness, shallow, and pain, and yet, when he looks at me, there is this certain affection that I have totally gotten used to

"Why..." I asked softly. Completely normal. Normal like how I would go to his room every early morning to wake him up as I am leaving. Normal like how I would greet his opened eyes with a morning kiss on the forehead that he really loves. Normal like how it should always be. If not for today. "Why are you the enemy, Denki?"

He just smiled at me. But his smile wasn't normally forced and pained like this, it was supoosed to be truely happy, as it normally is. He reached his arms to me, if he was just too fast, or if I was just too slow, or if I just didn't want to evade at all, I didn't know, but I let him hug me. And he hugged me tight, as if I would disappear from his grasp like a zap of lighning and never come back again. And I hugged him back, tightly, like how I normally would when ever he would hug me.

"Sorry." He whispered slowly to me, taking into consideration my sensetive hearing. "I'm so sorry Kyouka. I'm so sorry."

And he repeated it over and over again, but his words was ringing in my head. And I couldn't understand anything he said. I just hugged him tight, tears slowly streaming down my face. I was crying.

"Forget about this Kyouka. Of all this pain and betrayal. I don't wanna see those things in your eyes at all." He whispered to me again. "Forget about me."

And then I felt a little tingling at my nape. It was just a small tingle, like how you would accidentally hit your elbow to the edge of a table. And then I felt like I was passing out. I would've fell to the ground, if it weren't for Denki holding me gently but securely, keeping me in place, and also my arms clasping tightly around him.

But before I passed out, I heard him say in my ear. "I love you, Kyouka. Sorry." And then everything was completely black.

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