Everything Wrong

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From the moment I woke up, everything felt wrong.

When I got ready for school, and suddenly got this certain thought to wake someone up when I haven't even done that before, I knew something wasn't right. When I passed through the halls and to the stairs, when my feet unconsciously brought me to the boys' dorms, when I stood in front of a door that I didn't recognize whom, I knew something wasn't right.

"Jirou?" When a familiar voice called out to me that I felt was supposed to be different, I knew something wasn't right.

I turned, and I gave my caller a smile. The smile that I gave didn't feel right, but I'm gonna have to do it anyway, because it was Kouda. Because he was one of the people who was there for me when I have problems or am in trouble.

I talked to him, and even though our conversation felt very comfortable, it still didn't feel right. It's like that nagging feeling you get when you forget to bring a necessary book to school. Like there's something lacking. He looked like he wanted to say something, but then closed his mouth. He has always been the silent type, but when he did talk, it was always for something important.

"What's wrong Kouda?" I asked, he just shook his head, as if to say 'It's nothing.' I didn't pry any deeper. I knew something was wrong and that it was bothering him, but if he didn't want to say anything, then I wouldn't force him to.

We went to class together, everyone was quiet when I entered the classroom, and they all looked at me, concern laced their faces. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but then Mister Aizawa entered the classroom and told the whole class to be silent and get to their seats, so I did and thought of asking them later.

The whole class went by peacefully. Even when the lessons had started, Midoriya didn't start muttering like he usually did. Bakugou too. He wasn't emitting his usual Bakuaura, but there's this silent glare in his eyes . Even the usual rowdy Bakusquad was silent the whole time.

I looked to the empty seat beside me. Wait... has it always been empty? I can vaguely remember someone seating there, grinning brightly at me. I tried real hard remembering who it was, but then there's this small tingle at my nape and my head would start getting dizzy. There really was something wrong. My heart wouldn't ache like this if there wasn't, after all.

- - - - -

There's something wrong with me today.

I'm in my room doing my homework, but then my eyes would always find it's way to my closed door. I left in unlocked, because that's how I felt when I entered my room. Do I always leave it that way? I don't know why, but I've also brought a lot of snacks when I went down to the kitchen earlier. It also feels like I'm waiting for someone, but that's an absurd. The last time someone else was in my room was when the others had a room contest.

I laughed a little at the thought. The rooms, huh? I raised my head from my work and stared at the ceiling. I remember when we had that room contest, a certain someone's room caught my interest. I closed my eyes trying to remember whose room it was, but then the same tingling at my nape would make my head dizzy once again, like when had I tried to remember who was sitting next to me in class.

I opened my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Something really is wrong with me today. Maybe I should just sleep it off. I stood up and walked to my bed, getting under the warm sheets. Again, it felt like there should be someone beside me, but then again, that would be impossible. I would beat anyone who would get in my bed without my permission. I kept turning my position, left, right, then I decided that I would sleep on my stomach. I put my hands under the pillow, and I felt something.

"Huh? What's this?" I said as I sat up and took out whatever thing it was. A picture. It was a picture of me and... someone else. A boy with yellow hair with a black lightning streak on one side, and a very bright grin. He had one arm around my shoulder in the photo, and it looked like I was really having fun. "That's weird. I don't remember meeting this guy..."

Flipping the picture, I saw words written at it's back. "Denki ♡ Kyouka" and "1st Date". And some brief narration on how the day went.

'We went to the concert of that one band Kyouka likes today. When I told her a week ago that I got us tickets to their concert, she looked so happy, but that wouldn't even compare to how she looks like now. She's emitting too much joy, she looks even more beautiful that other guys keep looking at her. Next time I'm gonna have to bring a mask to hide her pretty smile. Her smile is mine. She's mine. Mine!!' -Denki, Kyouka's boyfriend

'Today Denki took me to the concert of a band I liked. I felt so happy that I just had to dress pretty so Denki's hardwork wouldn't go to waste. The whole day I got this feeling that people kept looking at me. Did I mess up my dress? Anyways I'm just too happy to think about it anymore. I'm just so thankful for today. Oh, and I love my boyfriend so much. He's mine.' -Kyouka, Denki's girlfriend

Oooh... wait a minute... "I've got a boyfriend?! But I don't remember anything about it! Why-... how-... calm down Kyouka, calm down. You are a rational person who can get through anything. That's right. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out-"


Eeek! W-what?!

"Jirou?" O-oh. It's just someone. "Jirou, are you there?" Called the person from the other side of the door. I soothed my startled nerves. It won't be good if they thought something was going on with me when it looked like everyone's already got a problem of their own. Why was I even startled anyway?

"Jirou?" And then a knock.

"Y-yes. Coming!" I said. I hid the photo back under my pillow and headed for my door. I opened it and saw Kouda. "Kouda? What is it?" He looked hesitant to speak, like he's pondering his words.

"W-well, everyone wanted to talk to you so... so..." he wasn't able to finish what he was going to say. His face turned crimson red and he started stuttering."J-jirou-.. what- you're -... y-you're..."

"What? Hey what is it already?" I asked, a little impatient. What's with him? I know he's shy but he could at least get one sentence straight. He should've thought that I was doing something important. N-not that I was doing anything important.

"Jirou-san, your clothes." he blurted out. A little flustered.

And that's when I remembered it. I wasn't wearing anything besides a big plain white t-shirt that reaches just above my knees, over my underwear, which is slightly visible due to the shirt's slightly thin fabric. Heat immediately rose up to my face, and I shut the door in Kouda's face.

"I-I'm so sorry, Jirou. I didn't know you weren't decently clothed." He said, apologizing quickly. "A-anyways, I came here to tell you that everyone wanted to talk to you downstairs. We'll be waiting for you at the common area. A-and I'm so sorry again. Bye." I heard him say before he ran down the hall.

Only then did I breathe out a puff of air I didn't know I was holding. Now that was embarrassing. I shook my head and then proceeded to changing into a more modest clothes and arranged my notes on the table a little before I headed downstairs.

When I arrived at the common area, it was kind of noisy. But not the usual Class 1-A noisy kind, it was the kind that was only present when there's a huge problem. Like that one time when Bakugou got kidnapped by the League of Villains and everyone debated if we should go rescue him or not. In the end, Bakugou still got rescued by Midoriya and the others, despite the other's warnings.

I approached them all and cleared my throat. They suddenly got quiet when they knew of my presence. Bakugou stood up from his seat on the couch and looked straight to me. The glare that was present just a while ago wasn't there anymore. Instead, it was filled with... regret?

"Oi Jirou..." he said. He called me by my name. Did Bakugou hit his head or something? "We need to talk." There wasn't the usual bite in his words. He looked tired, dark circles forming under his eyes. I noticed the others were looking at me the same way as he does, concerned.

I knew something was wrong from the moment I woke up this morning. The sad feeling that something is missing, my classmates' look of concern, their unusual behaviour. The empty seat beside me when I'm really sure that someone was seating there just yesterday. And then I remembered the photo I found under my pillow.

"It's about Kaminari." And that's when I realized. Something was truly wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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