Ch. 1

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A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.

The Wizarding world woke up on July 31, 1996 thinking it was just another day in their ordinary lives. They were proven wrong that afternoon when several flocks of owls soared over every magical home in Britain carrying nets full of rolled scrolls and began dropping the scrolls .

The scroll's read:

'The Prophecy is false. It was given by a charlatan during a job interview in the Hogshead pub! Merlin people research things! I am not the Savior. I refuse to be the Savior.

I have lost my family, my childhood and my privacy because the Wizarding World was willing to put the burden of murdering the most powerful Dark Lord of all times on the shoulders of a child. I've had a childhood full of insults, hate, abuse and starvation because a meddling Lemon drop sucking old goat named Dumbledore believes 'the Greater Good' is more important than my well-being.

SAVE YOURSELVES! YOU are the adults. YOU are trained. YOU have experience. There are more of you than there are of him!

Take responsibility. Grow a backbone! Defend yourselves and your families because I won't. I quit. I didn't start this war. I refuse to give my life for someone else's fight especially when the entire ADULT population wants to hide in their homes quivering in fear while a CHILD fights their war for them while spouting lies about me, calling me a attention seeking liar and Insane. One moment I'm your only hope the next I'm the next Dark Lady on the rise. Why should I die for you? I owe you nothing.

Merlin! Grow up. Learn to think for yourselves. Quit being sheep. I'm leaving England. I'll leave you with some fun facts that I learned by asking questions and digging for answers. Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald were friends, cohorts planning to rule over Muggles 'for the Greater Good' until a falling out killed his sister. Yes, the 'hero' of the Light was Dark in his youth. It was guilt and grief that made him duel Gellert Grindelwald and defeat him not his morals.

He hid my parents' will, placed me with abusive muggles against their express wishes and hid my heritage from me so I would be dependent on him 'for the Greater Good'. I had no idea I had money, titles or properties because Dumbledore hid it from me. He laces the lemon drops and tea in his office with truth and loyalty potions. Oh, and there are wards on the school to discourage students from telling what goes on within the walls too.

Sirius Black is innocent. Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper who betrayed my parents. He is still alive and hiding as a unregistered rat animagus and missing a finger. Your illustrious leaders sent an innocent man to Azkaban for twelve years without a trial 'for the Greater Good'. Fudge ordered a Kiss on sight order to cover it up.

Albus Dumbledore knew it because he was the one to cast the fideilus charm. I can hear all of you denying that the great Albus Dumbledore would not do such a thing. Dumbledore considers people pawns and not much more. He just hides it well. He'll sacrifice anyone for 'The Greater Good". He's already told me that he's willing to sacrifice me.

Speaking of think he's a good minister for Wizarding Britain, seriously?. He hides from the responsibilities and hard truths like the best of you. He's known that Voldemort has been back for two years now and he'd rather smear my name than admit it. I believe just thinking of Voldemort makes him wet himself and curl up into a fetal position.

Voldemort is a half-blood himself. That doesn't make him less powerful, but more and we need to stop inbreeding you imbeciles becausd massive inbreeding causes insanity for example Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, physical deformities like Pansy Parkinson, decreased intelligence like Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle bit that's not all it also causes squibs as well as increasing difficult pregnancies. Which means that you blood purists are killing your blood line's and yourselves

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