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October 25, 2000

It was past midnight but every corner of the house was still securely illuminated. Countless of ancient candles littered the hallways and rooms, contrasting the modern design of furnitures and fluorescents. The constant ring of the telephone in the living room was the only noise heard outside as it went in harmony with the vibrant flame dancing in the wind. They flickered with every tremble of the ground, the fire blazing and weakening in an irregular rhythm with every unearthly grunt. Nevertheless, every hallway was void of life but soon her screams filled the thickening air.

Forceful push, one after another, concealing her pain with every deep intakes. Her face glistening with sweat as she continued to struggle only hoping for it to soon be over.

"Just a few more push love, please bare with me." He whispered in her ears, in a seemingly comforting voice. However, it couldn't hide the worry and dread in his tone, fearing for the life of his wife and their twins.

He continued to tell her sweet nothings while tightening his grasp on her shaking hands to assure her that he was there, like he always is.

But none of it comforted her, all she felt was the excruciating pain all over and the unsettling fear for the safety of her unborn twins. All she wants is to get them out of her as she noticed the darkness slowly creeping over.

"One last push Margaret, I want you to count to three with me ," Her sister instructed carefully but all she heard was her rapidly beating heart and hushed instructions as she focused her attention on her sister's face and moving lips.

If only she took that ring off her finger this would've been a lot easier, she thought as she managed another lungful of air.

Although she gave her a weak nod, assuring she understood what her sister was trying to tell her.

"3" She inhaled as far as her chest can suffice before it stopped expanding.


"1" The deafening scream went through her throat, ringing as she made the final push.

Just before she succumbed into darkness, a small cry was heard and only then did the tension vanished through her body with a smile replacing her frown.


" We could call the-"

" No. They can't know about this."

A hushed conversation blurred into her as she awaken from her previous slumber. She could sense the tension and seriousness in the voices which she recognized was of her husband and her sister who successfully delivered her babies.

My babies.

The earlier events deemed into her and she slowly opened her eyes. They were quickly flooded by the light from the flourescent above her bed. As she adjusted her sight, she saw her husband beside her already noticing her wake.

"You're finally awake. How are you feeling?" He blurted out of joy as he examined his lover's face while his hands on her cheeks, softly caressing her skin. His earlier tensed face was quickly morphed into happiness with a full blown smile though it doesn't reach his eyes.

She noticed this, however she was more worried on another thing. She needed to see her babies. She wants to hold them in her hands.

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