Minecraft Pals

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  • Dedicated to GrabHerHandAndWhisperRun. (For helping me with characters)

I cannot believe this! Two new girls were fighting consonantly so they had to separate them and guess what? Me and Chelsea got split. So I got one fighting girl and she got the other. Stinks right? I do NOT need someone I don't know in my room, playing on my computer, reading my diary, 'borrowing' my stuff and all that. It all started when I walked in the room and flopped on my bed. I turned around to see some girl with really long Caramel colored hair sitting on Chelsea's bed. Of course I freaked because Chelsea looks NOTHING like her. She has very dark hair and tanned skin. "Who are you? Why are you in my room?" I asked. She got up and stood in front of me. I noticed she was wearing a shirt that said "Exterminate" and had a short looking robot on it. "I'm Miranda, and we are new room mates, me and my other room mate split up so now I'm here and your old room mate is with my old room mate." She smiled like it was no big deal. I shook my head. Ok, so now somebody named Miranda was my room mate. I looked around and saw that all the decorations Chelsea had put up were ripped down and Harry Potter dexorations and weird blue phone booths were up. There was a poster of a robot that freaked me out. I pulled up my computer and started to play minecraft. "Hey! I play minecraft too!" She played minecraft! Maybe she wasn't so bad! "Wanna go to my server?" I asked. "Sure" soon we were playing minecraft and talking about random stuff like we had known each other our entire lives. We had a lot in common, we liked minecraft, Harry Potter, and staying up late. So, this isn't so bad. But I will miss Chelsea. But isn't not like I'll never see her again. We have classes and we will see each other at lunch.

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