Split Up

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He blinked and his JUNES apron was swapped with his pajamas. Damn it, he reset! Yosuke cursed his partner. He got dressed and went to school as usual. He sat in his seat whispered to himself about how much he was gonna lecture Yu's ear off for that kinda shit.

Before Yu was anywhere near the school, (not that Yosuke knew this) the boy clutched his head in sharp pain, groaning and kicking about. Noone helped, they all watched in a) fear, b) amusement or c)... both.

After the pain subsided, he tried to sarcastically thank everyone for their help, but he couldn't. No matter how much he willed his head to turn or his mouth to move, they wouldn't budge. Confused, he tried to turn his body to look at Yu as he heard him enter the room, but again, was met with failure. 

Yu... Yu! YU! Partner! Please, look at me, damn it! Nothing was said not a peep. "He was saying something about a partner before clutching his head and now this." Chie explained to Yu. Yosuke saw his eyes widen which caused him to try even harder to make his unresponsive body listen to him. Yosuke felt a finger twitch but Yu didn't seem to notice.

The end of the day came by and Yosuke robotically, against his will, began walking home, met by doting parents who didnt seem to notice or care that their son, who was as 'free will' as possible, is now a prisioner in his own mind. He remembered hearing about a condition similar to his in biology or something... but couldn't recall the name.

Yosuke realised that Izanami was probably responsible for what was happening, although with him being locked inside his body Yosuke couldn't make any sort of communication with Yu. After being gently lowered on his bed, Yosuke fell asleep, and to his horror, something else had occured.

Chie was trying to get a reaction out of him, and by the look on her face, she wasn't succeeding. Yu walked up and made a few hand signals before looking shocked and gained a response from the green teen. "Nope, he's completely unresponsive." She paused and Yosuke sadly took in his sad expression. "How are you though? Managing to find our way around?" 

He nodded and asked about her understanding of sign which caused Yosuke to zone out on. He briefly heard something about being a translator. Morooka then entered the room triggering everyone to zip and zoom to their seats. Yosuke found his body making really good notes, he made a mental reminder, (not that he could make a physical one) to look back on the notes.

Morooka's lecture ended and Yu took the empty seat next to Yosuke and tried to form words, which made Yosuke panic in his mind, Yu tried his name to which he had a large coughing fit, but when he tried their nickname, Yosuke watched his eyes light up.

Yu was so thrilled to get a reaction out of him, "Pa... rtn... er," he choked, but smiled none the less when Yosuke's finger twitched. "Yos...uke.." Yu paused to cough manically into his hand. He hid and wiped the blood from the cough onto his dark jeans.

Yu... Yosuke prayed that the emotion he felt made its way over to Yu. The silver haired boy smiled weakly at Yosuke and gave a silent promise he was okay. Partner, you're not okay. Yu gave in and grabbed a pen and paper.

'I don't know if you can hear, or even see me, but Izanagi did this to us. I caused her to do this to you, I wanted her to make you forget the timelines but she went to extremes. I'm sorry, Yosuke.' Yu watched in hope as Yosuke's eyes skimmed over the words, before watching in tears as his partners eyes also welled up. 'You're concious? Yosuke please tell me you're in there.' His golden orbs moved up and down, asif he was imitating a nod. 

Yu threw his arms around him. His breathing heavy and his eyes dampening Yosuke's shoulder. 'Want to go to the TV world? We may as well with what we've been dealt. Yosuke repeated his previous action and, with Yu's help, they made their way to the large TV, before Yosuke entered after Yu dragged him in.

"Yosuke?" Yu questioned his empty surroundings. He brought a hand to his lips at the shock of his voice leaving them. Izanami's voice echoed telling him that their predicaments dont apply to this world since it made a hightened difficulty to her plans. "Yosuke?" Yu yelled again after taking in what she said. With his new resolve to find Yosuke now he is fully functioning, he set out to find him.

"Yosuke?" He yelled once more. Yu knew that all of the areas made by their friends shadow's don't exist yet, even Saki's doesn't exist, so he made his way to the only place that does exist, Yamano's Hotel room. He made his way to the Amagi Inn and saw Yamano's room door closed. He knocked on the door, and saw Yosuke inside.

"Yu!" Yosuke flung his arms around his partner, "You idiot!" he cried. "Why did you reset?" 

"I wanted to make you forget the tinelines, I wanted to do this run properly like the first year. I wanted to make sure you would stay as... you." He admitted. Yosuke asked to see where the shadow struck him. "Huh? Why?"

"It's said that a scar or birthmark will appear in the place that you died in your previous life. I wanted to see if you have a scar anywhere." Yu lifted up his school shirt, and to both of their surprise, a large scar was in the place where Yu's shadow ran him through with his spear. "A shadow did this to you?" Yu nodded. "It looks so painful."

"It wasnt a normal shadow, Yosuke. My Shadow did this to me." Yosuke looked at him in disbelief and ran his fingertips over the scar. "We can't stay for long, we better go."

"How come?" Yosuke questioned him. "Why do we have to go back." Yu explained that staying here is dangerous. "We can manage! We have more experience than anyone else! Your voice is busted and my whole body is fucked up! We would be better off here."

"Yosuke, you're thinking the same from when we confronted Namatame, calm down." Yu rubbed his shoulder.

"This is so much bigger than Namatame or Adachi! This is about Izanami and Nyx." Yosuke stepped away from Yu, "If you want to go, Partner, then go, but I won't follow you this time." Yu nodded understandingy.

"If that's how you truly feel, Yosuke, then, I'll see you around?" Yu placed his hand on the door frame. "It's probably obvious by now but, I love you Yosuke." Yu took a deep breath. "Don't die." Yu made him promise and left the room.

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