Chapter One: A building

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It's always dangerous to walk around the iron works at night, but Blake always preferred it to how it looked in the daytime. Something about it was just, so serene. Almost soothing. Unfortunately this doesn't change the fact that it resided in the worst parts of town and was abandoned.

Blake was on high alert. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets. He tightened his grip around the small concealed pocket knife as he hurried past a group of men huddled around a small fire down one of the alleys. He walked briskly, trying to make his way home without incident.

Normally he would take his time, enjoying his surroundings, but tonight he was late. He took another shift tonight from the asshole that always has one reason or another not to be at the arcade. He hoped Harleen hadn't locked the doors yet, she usually left them open when he was late, but he was really late tonight.

Something felt off as he made his way through the night. Blake could feel paranoia creeping its way down his spine. As he turned a corner towards his street the looming abandoned building across the block caugh his eye. It was a few stories high and used to be a sort of storage building for the ironworks before they started having to make cutbacks. He glanced at one of the windows on the second story and was unnerved to see a figure move behind the glass. He watched the shadowy form promptly smash the window, and then fall out of it, landing roughly on the ground below, a stream of curses following.

Shaking his head, Blake made his way across the street. As he got closer he saw the figure looked like a guy. This was probably some college guy drunk out of his mind. He'd make sure he was okay and then continue on. Harleen always told him to keep his karma clean, whatever the hell that means. Either way, he still went to help.

As Blake put his hand on the man's back and started to help him up he tried to pretend he didn't notice the odd way the guy flinched. Blake helped him dust the rocks and glass off and was able to get a better look at the man. It was a miracle he wasn't badly hurt.

The power of reckless drinking I suppose, Blake thought grimacing.

It was a young guy just as Blake had thought previously. But upon closer inspection Blake could see that this stranger was handsome, with brown hair that was curly and hanging over his eyes. His heart raced as the man pushed the hair out of his eyes, showing that they were a striking green.

Ignoring the tightness in his throat Blake asked again, "You alright?"
The guy gave Blake an awkward smile as he shrugged the hand off of his arm.
Blake's stomach flipped.

"Ah, mmm, yeah man," The stranger started, "I just, uh, tripped is all."
"Tripped out a window?" Blake asked suspiciously.

The stranger rubbed his hands together and then flicked a shard of glass off of his shoulder. "Yeah that's it." He raised his eyebrows at Blake as he picked up a backpack that was lying nearby. He swung the bag over his shoulder as he asked, "Why do you even care?"

Blake shrugged and took a step back, holding his hands out in front of him. "I don't. Just didn't wanna be the reason some drunk prep boy killed himself fucking around the works." He shoved his hands in his pockets, wishing he could shove his annoyance down with them.

"Huh, well don't go into any trouble on my account." The stranger said with a sarcastic tone, examining a cut across the back of his hand.

Blake shook his head before turning on his heels and crossing back to his side of the street. These prep boys always pissed him off. His buddies were probably still up in the building laughing their asses off.

"Don't go throwing yourself out of any more windows," Blake called over his shoulder as he made his way once more down the street. Blake could feel the guy's eyes on his back as he walked away. Something tugged at his heart, making him regret even stopping to see if the stranger was alright. He brushed it away.

Shaking off the dread of the night Blake quickly made his way up the steps of Harleen's building. He made a mental note to thank his landlady as he pushed open the door.

Blake was completely oblivious to the two sets of eyes that belonged to shadowy figures as they watched him enter his building. The stranger who had fallen was standing behind these shadowy figures. Even he watched the building curiously.

Silently he turned and met the gaze of the others. They shared a knowing look.
This changed things, and GreenBriar coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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