Fated Meeting

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    the sun is barely over the horizon when the smell of bread and meat is being cooked. In this small house in a quiet sleepy little desert town, there is the stirring of a small child about the age of 6. He has black hair and those pretty bright green eyes. Samuel comes out of his room and sniffs the air as he heads down the stairs. "What's cooking mama? The food smells really good." Samuel says as he pulls up a chair at the table.
    His mother Daphnis brings over a plate of food and a glass of cold cider for both of them. Daphnis has long black hair and brown eyes a slender body and a smile on her face. "Make sure you eat up dear you need to grow up strong. Someone needs to be the family protector while your father is out." They sit at the table and eat silently. Samuel looks at his hand as he eats, staring intently at it. "Mama tell me gain why i have this mark on my hand?"
    Daphnis finishes the food in her mouth before she starts telling her tale "we prayed to Malroth to bless us with a strong boy who can make the world a better place and one who was stronger then all the rest. Then we were blessed with you. " she ruffles samuel's head messing up his hair. "So i am going to make the world a better place?" He says a little confused "how am i going to do that I'm only 6." His mom laughs and smiles "when you are older dear. No idea when or how but i know you will do great things." They finish the meal and begin to get ready for the day ahead.
    The boy and his mother head to the  market place to buy the food for the next few days. The air is warm but breathable and the sun has just began peeking over the small mountains to the south. The market stalls are setting up as people just start waking up and making breakfast for their families. As Daphnis and Samuel walk the market place the boy notices that his hand where the mark is feels weird. "Mama my hand feels like someone is pushing on the mark, it tickles." His mother looks at her sons hand and sees that there is nothing there. "It's probably just a random muscle twitch dear." And they continue walking up the alley toward the market place.
    They come to one of the stalls that has just opened. It's a poultry stall and the food is being prepared and hung for the customers to look over. The chickens and birds are being killed,cleaned, and sometimes cooked in front of the customers so they know the food is fresh. Samuel feels his heart sink a little watching the birds being killed and cooked. One of the birds in line to be prepared is a baby crow. He looks at his mother with tears in his eyes "mama mama we cant let them kill the baby bird. Can we buy it? Besides i want a pet."
His mother looks at him and then back at the bird. "It's a lot of responsibility. Are you sure you are up for it?" Samuel nods and starts smiling and looking at the bird. "Well ok then. Sir how much would it be if i bought the baby bird?" The guy looks at her and puts his hand on his chin thinking "15 gold. I think thats a fair price." Daphnis goes into her pouch and pulls out15 gold and hands it to the guy. He hands the little boy the bird untied and the bird nuzzles samuels head and he puts the bird in his pocket on his vest.
Samuel looked so happy as he now had a pet of his own. "What are you going to name him? All pets need a name." Samuel thinks for a few moments and then smiles i think i will name him Shadow because of his darkness." Daphnis smiles and looks at the bird "well Shadow the crow welcome to the family." Shadow chirps and nestles into the pocket thankful to be free and alive. 

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