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Kay's pov : I called up Kentrell he told me he was on the way . He had a spot in la for my mother and I to stay at . He tried to give me bread but I told him I had to go out and get it on my own . He took me to his show with him had me put on a black mask so I wouldn't be seen who knows what would happen if they find out my identity . I met this killa ass nigga name Herm . He told me he was Kentrell homie he went around killing getting everybody out the way that was in Kentrell way , told me if I wanted to get real bread come do a few hits . Okay our first job was this flashy nigga name des . I heard he was sending death threats to kentrell via social media . That nigga was easy but first let me tell you how easy . We followed him to a club he was at . So you know I had to bring out my old stripping fit . Seduced that nigga with some of my tricks to come to the back room with me . Got herm to follow us I cant lie I was scared I wasn't built for this life but I knew I needed the money for my mother and myself . I guess des homeboys seen herm following us about 3 of them followed herm . Herm pulled out two guns shot two of them up the third one attempted to shoot him but he missed . Herm threw me a gun so I shoot des dead up in his shit . We had to leave the scene quick . When we got back to the spot trell broke us both off 10 bands a piece . Damn I was starting to love this life . See me and herm forgot to kill the third homeboy damn I guess he ran before we noticed . He followed us back to the spot & started to shoot it up . When I finally got a chance to get up all I seen was a blood trail .

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