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Here is Slab. She has two sets of triplet sisters. She's the only one without any twins. They aren't very wealthy. They (Slab and her family) live in an apartment. And her name isn't Slab. It's Slablana. But everyone else just calls her Slab. She goes to a public school called Holloway High School. She has the strictest teacher ever. Ms.Flamning. Slab also has two best friends named Andy Lane and Mana. Andy Lane is a tomboy with brown, straight hair (always in a ponytail) and hazel eyes. If she's feeling especially fancy she'll wear a cap. Mana has curly, blonde hair. Her eyes are beautiful violet bluish. If she's feeling especially sporty, she wear tennis shoes. Back to Slablana's family. Her parents are named Libby and Sam. When ya put those together, You get Slab. They wanted the name to be fancier, so now it's Slablana.

Slab used to dream about being a princess. But when her Gram got her a Nerf Gun© Bow and Arrow for her birthday, she started to dream about being a warrior princess. Instead of a prince saving her, she would save him. Andy Lane always thought this was silly, but Mana thought it was beautiful.

"Hey Andy?" Slab said at lunch. "Do you think I'm weird?" Andy Lane choked on her pizza and then said, " Well, we're all a little weird. Right? " "Yeah but I live in an apartment. You guys live in houses. And I dream about being a warrior princess. You guys have regular dreams." Andy Lane snorted . Mana chuckled. Then Mana said, "We all have silly dreams. Like, I dream about soccer."
Slab stopped chewing. Andy's face flushed a bright pink. "And I dream about being fancy and" Andy's face became more pink. "And, um." When Slablana thought Andy's face was going to explode, she rolled her eyes and said, "Okay you don't have to tell us. Geez." Andy Lane nodded. Mana and Slab giggled. "Hey not cool!" Andy Lane yelled. Slab and Mana stopped. "Sorry." They said together.

"Get off of me!" Andy? Andy Lane? Slab whipped her head around. It is!!! "Andy!!" Slab heard a voice. It was yelling. Shouting. Saying " STOP! STOP! LET GO OF HER!" To Slabs surprise, it was hers. She cupped her hands around her mouth. This was the biggest bully in the world. James Franco. No one had ever stood up to this bully before. But here Slab was, standing up to this bully. "What?" Be a warrior princess. Slab said to herself. "I said. Leave her alone." " Why apartment girl? " James grinned. "Thanks for the complement." Slablana replied. James seemed shocked. Everyone watching giggled at James. "Well, um, you, you stink!" " Thanks for the information. I'll try to clean up better tonight. " James walked away And everyone cheered. "Oh thank you thank you thank you! Thanks so much!" Andy hugged Slablana. "Congrats on being a legend." Mana smirked "Oh no here comes Ms.Flamning." Slab gulped. "Girls. The principal wants to see you."

"SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wait so we actually get to do that?" The principal nodded. "Ms.Flamning! Can we get a movie today? The principal said we could!" " Okay. Which movie? " "Ummm. This one." So they watched the movie and at the end of the day, Mana and Andy Lane said, "You really are a warrior princess."

                                                   THE END!

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