For Your Future

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Summary: Ex-Military Doctor Ougai Mori adopted Dazai, a six year old runaway. Parenting was harder than Mori expected. Dad!Mori, oneshot.

Age 5

Mori smiled and looked to his right. It was not a kind smile, but a mix of amusement and sternness. "What are you doing?"

The aforementioned child froze. He had his hand in Mori's coat pocket. The look on his face was similary to the sheepish grin any child had when being caught stealing from a cookie jar.

Mori grasped the child's wrist, extricating the small hand from his pocket.

The child's sleeve fell down, exposing a purple bruise.

Mori's smile hardened further. His purple eyes no longer contained a shred of humor. "Who did this?"


Age 6

The fire escape creaked. It was a rusty thing. The fire escape seemed barely able to stay attached to the side of the apartment building even without someone on it.

Mori had chosen his apartment because of this double edged sword. It cut off a possible exit, but it made him aware of any assassin trying to sneak through his window.

His paranoia hadn't been helped by leaving the military and becoming a criminal. He shot to his feet, curling his fingers around a scapel. He's in his small living room and ready to fight just as the fog clears from his sleepy brain. He saw a small figure halfway through his window, the outline of a backpack already in his floor. Mori slid the scapel up his sleeve and hit the light switch.

The small figure froze. It was the kid Mori had helped a few months ago.

"You ran away from the orphanage?" Mori asked, bluntly pointing out the elephant in the room.

A swift nod is the only reply Mori needed.

Mori sighed. "I'm going to the kitchen. You want some hot chocolate?" He knew from before the kid loved everything chocolate.

The kid's eyes brightened up at the two magic words.


Age 7

"Do you have anything to clean them with?" Mori questioned. He had to keep completely calm-his client was freaking out enough for both of them. "Yes, hydrogen peroxide would be good. Pour some over the tweezers and your wounds." Mori shifted as a small body climbed onto him, perching on his leg. He held the phone against his shoulder to keep his client from hearing their conversation.

Dazai had put on weight, no longer a twig, but still thin. He was warm, pouring off heat. He whined, "Mori-san, I don't feel good. I think I'm dying!"

"Dazai-kun, you just have a fever," Mori corrected after putting a hand in the child's forehead. He put the phone back to his ear. "My apologies, I didn't catch that. Ah, yes, now be careful and try to pick the shrapnel out. It will hurt," he warned. He put the phone back against his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at his ward. "Are you going to be logical about this?"

"I was poisoned," Dazai dramatically groaned. He was way too hot and his throat and lungs hurt. He flopped against Mori's chest, where it was colder.

Mori shot Dazai an exasperated look. "You were not poisoned, Dazai-kun. Just wait a moment and I'll grab you some medicine."

Dazai grumbled something in response. He smooshed his face against Mori's coat and settled down to wait.


Age 9

Dazai couldn't sleep. He got out of bed. He crept through the dark hallways, jumping at every creak. He peeked into the living room where a single lamp was on.

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