Brad's First Friend

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"Fuck this! I quit school forever!" But that was when he went outside and saw somebody smoking. That person was alone, so Brad went up to them. "Hey sexy! Wanna date?" He asked. "What the fuck! I'm a dude!" The person responded. "Well sorry, dick!" Brad huffed. "You know what? It's fine man. I get people telling me I look like a girl all the time, so I don't blame you."
"Do you have any friends?"
"No, not here, in fact, almost everyone bullies me. I've been thinking of shooting up the school with those fuckers in it a few times, but I never actually ended up doing it because I know my grandma would whoop my ass for it."
"Uh... Okay then.... That's... useful information... I guess?"
"What about you? Do you have friends?"
"No and I hate it! Will you be my friend?"
"Sure but only if you don't tell my grandma I said that."
"I promise." Brad exclaimed. "So what's your name?"
"Yes, Adam."
"That's a cool name! Let's name our child that!"
"Uh... I'm still a dude!"
"Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot."
"Okay then..."
"I'm Brad."
"Nice! I'm Adam."
"Cool, but you mentioned that already."
"I did?"
"Yes, you did."
"Oh, sorry 'bout that."
"It's okay. We can be socially awkward together."
"Excuse me?!" Adam yelled offended. "What?"
"Did you just call me socially awkward?"
"Yeah, but that's not a bad thing. It just means we have a harder time making friends."
"Oh." Adam said. "Oh." Brad responded back as the two started saying it back and forth.

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