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Its been a day since the incident happened. I haven't said a word to him. Partially because I don't know him. Well, everybody knew of Nate but I didn't know his personally. Another part of me is scared he'd kick me out and the reality was that I had nowhere to go.

We were sitting at the breakfast table eating Waffle House he'd ordered for us. Well..he was eating, I was staring in a blank space. It was hard for me to be comfortable here. I felt the only reason he wanted me here was to have sex and I was dreading the moment he finally asked for what he wanted.

"You still not gone tell me your name" he asked for the fifth time since I'd been here.

I just sat there staring at the full plate of bacon and eggs.

He sighed and got up to put his plate in the sink.

I'm surprised he hasn't put me out yet.

What was he waiting on? Maybe he was going to make me be his sex slave and keep me in the basement. Sell me to the highest bidder.

I got out of my thoughts, and built up the courage to open my mouth and talk to him .

"Wh- What are you gonna do with me?" I ask him lowly. My voice was raspy. He turned around and walked towards me.

"You think imma hurt you?" He replied with a concerned look on his face. He scanned my face and waited for me to respond.

I immediately looked away and cleared my throat.

He noticed my discomfort and stepped back with his hands raised.

"I'm not gone hurt you. I took you away because I peeped the situation you were in" He was obviously offended by the fact that I was so scared of him.

"Sorry...I was just asking." I put my head down and begin to fiddle with my fingers.

I felt someone tilt my head up.

When I looked up I saw Nate staring into my eyes.

"Never put your head down around me" He says with a serious tone.

I immediately did as told.

As if I was trained.

"You alright now" He said softly.

"I might be a 'Thug' or whatever you wanna call it. But I'd never put my hand on a female. This may take some time getting adjusted to. But I'm not like whatever you're been through. I believe in God and he told me to stop and help you for a reason."

I just stared into his eyes as he did the ssme to me.

Finally he broke the silence.

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"Ja'Kyra" I replied.

He smiled and walked upstairs

I sat there for a moment before I finally began to eat my breakfast. When I was done I cleaned my dishes and walked up to the room I was staying in. I laid down and closed my eyes ready to take a nap.






I woke up to the sound of arguing. It sounded like Nate and a woman.

I got up and slowly walked downstairs.

Once I was on the lsst step the arguing got louder.

It was Nate and some girl. She looked familiar

"Man that baby ain't mine" Nate said all in her face.

"Who else baby it's suppose to be. You the one that took my virginity" She yelled back. I noticed she was holding a pregnancy test in her hand.

He slapped her.

I gasped causing them to look my way.

I ran up the stairs and shut the door before they could even say a word to me.

How could he? He told me he would never hit a female. He lied to me.

But why am I so surprised its the story of my life. BEING LIED TO

Suddenly I was inturrupted out of my thoughts by the door opening.

Nate came into the room and charged at me but I dodged him causing him to hit his knee on the nearby dresser.

It's like he was a whole different person from last night. His eyes looked cold. I was scared for my life.

He walked out of the room and I heard him searching for something. Oh shit. Something told me to go hide.

I panicked and ran into the closet. I began praying to God that he didn't hurt me.

A few minutes later her opened the closet and aimed a gun at me.






I woke up with my clothes sticking to me from sweat. I breathed heavily in and out. Thank God it was just a dream. My heart was still racing. It felt so real.
Maybe it was God giving me a sign.

I got up from bed and quietly locked the door.


Should I go back to my dads????













Love u guyssss...


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