chapter 1

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Mary opened her eyes and stretched her arms to bestir herself . She springed out and opened her closet. After 30mins of tryouts , she finally stepped out of her changing room and stood in front of a large mirror across one of the corners of her room . She wore grungy clothes in a rebellious way , perfectly matching her midnight-black hair which flowed over her shoulders .

She grabbed hee backpack and off she went to the college . After few minutes of walking , she finally stood in front of the college gate and a mixture of emotions hit her . Suddenly she felt a soft hand wrapping around her shoulders . It felt familier . She turned around to see who it was and found Ronald smiling at her with his honey sweet lips which were lilac soft and his cobalt - black hair covering his eyes .

Brrring - brrring - brrring - brrring - brrring.

Ronald: Oh no! The school has started . Hurry up we need to go to the auditorium.

Mary followed Ronald to the auditorium . The auditorium looked like a space which could hold hundreds of people. It was equipped with advanced light  and sound system along with a large stage , comfortable seating , carpeting , wall panelling for acoustic effects , air conditioner and podium . There was a large digital video projectors for screening films and presentations.

After few minutes of waiting . The student body president finally reached out for the podium and started off with his long speech , followed by amazing flips by cheerleaders  and introduction to various college sports teams .

Mason ( student body president ) was just going to start his concluding speech that suddenly the lights began to flicker . Everyone were shocked and scared.

Ronald : what's going on?
David : wtf
Sophia : oh no!
Ava : doesn't it happen often?
Noah : is everything okay?
Jacob: of course not , does it look like everything okay ?
Mason : calm down everyone !
Richard : u expect us to calm down , seriously ?

Suddenly a girl screamed at the top her lungs

Everyone went silent . The light turned on and found the girl at the end of the stairs , bleeding .
She was taken to the nearest hospital immediately.

Emma screamed from back
'what happened to that nerd? Wasn't she that attention seeking girl , she must have done that for attention . What else can expect from people like her and...'

Mary interrupted and said 'oh Ronald , who was that girl who tried to do anything to get your  attention?'

Ronald replied 'oh , she was Emma .'

Mary asked Ronald 'why was she doing it?'

Ronald replied' she said that she liked me which is totally untrue.'

Mary asked ronald 'untrue ?why do u think so?'

Ronald replied'you know her , she literally flirts with every single boy.'

Mary gave her deadliest look to Emma and said ' what do we call these types of people?'

Ronald replied' attention seeking people.'

Everyone started laughing at her . She stood up , and said ' you will pay for it!' and then left.

Ronald and Mary hugged each other and left to attend their classes.

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