Seven part two

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Raven finished off her bath. She remembered Hanzo's words, for you to live an ordinary life you have to be an ordinary person, but you are no ordinary Nikita.
She went to the shrine, she looked at her dagger, and her swords.
She wrapped the dagger around her thighs.
She decided, she is a warrior.
Joey watched from far, he smiled in the inside.
But everything happens in a mere of a second, Ezerian attacked.
Raven was still not full power, she only can battle, joey dodged the attack, she ran and started battling along with Joey, her comrade, and a former student to hanzo, they beaten the Ezerian's to pulp.
Until chris and Jack appeared.
Joey tried to protect Raven but he was pinned with demon pins, that sucked all his powers.
He screamed in agony, Raven went berserk, she fought Jack and in swift attack, he sprawled and was knocked down.
More Ezerian joined, they brought chains and tried to pin her, but no avail, She still got the move.
Until all the culprits were beaten, Chris decided to play dirty.
He clapped his hands as Raven slashed her blade through the last assailant.
"Very well.. You still got the move Saya.."
"I AM. NOT SAYA.." she growled and a dark entity appeared as a shadow behind her, her both eyes went totally dark, with dark circles around them.
"The monster has finally came out..." chris chuckled.
"Tell me, how would you act when you find out that your beloved, Uchiha sasuke.. has a wife.."
Raven gasped.
Her eyes filled with tears, chris was known for being an emotional manipulator, he can lure to anyone by hitting their weakest points.
" he.. isn't.. he can't be.." Raven stuttered.
"I am sure he is.." he clapped his hands in a very slow manner, "you see, sakura.. she is his wife, and he has a daughter... little girl.."
raven's mind couldn't comprehend. She remembers everything, but she couldn't remember Sakura, or that sasuke was married.
Valerian reincarnation is different, you meet the people around you for the first time, as if life gives you another chance to be together, one more time.
But.. that hurts.. was sasuke playing with her emotions? Did he cheat on his wife, he can cheat on her as well..
her mind couldn't comprehend.
She fell on the ground and screamed in agony.
She weeped.
"Too bad.. zero, you belong with us.." Chris whispered in her ears but was thrown away with a roar of lightening.
Sasuke rushed in and assaulted chris with his chidori.
"Take you hands off my girl..." Sasuke growled.
Chris fell into a laughing fit.

"Your girl... is coming with us willingly " chris chuckled.
"You wish.." sasuke took of his sword, but was taken aback as he saw, Raven stood up, and went to chris.
"Raven no, don't let him get to you.." Joey screamed but raven's eyes were blank.
She moved unwillingly, towards Chris, she hate lies, she felt stabbed.
She is not lucky.
"Raven..." sasuke muttered.
He saw chris stroking her hair, and resting his hands over her shoulder, to sasuke's fury, he snorted and he would definitely kill that guy.
"Tell her sasuke, tell her about your wife and your daughter"
Sasuke gasped.
He refrained from mentioning to Raven he has a wife as he was scared she would mind being together with him, he wanted her so much that he couldn't think straight. But he is no cheater, he ended his relation ship with her before being with raven
He was going to tell her, but he was just scared she would leave him.
"Ra..raven..wait.." Sasuke stuttered he couldn't find the right words.
"It wasn't marriage Raven, it was an agreement.. i thought you would remember.. " Sasuke said huskily.
"I.. i swear..." but he was interrupted with a slap on his face.
He fell on the ground. And cried,
"If you want me to beg, i will.. , i will beg on your feet, but please don't leave" Sasuke said huskily, but raven didn't respond.
She and chris took off.
"Raven... raven......" Sasuke shouted as he saw his beloved girl friend disappears.

Raven went with chris willingly, but she was no idiot, she would kill the Ezerian's once and for all. But not now. She would grieve over her betrayal.
Over the one and only lost love, but good things never last long.
She needs her healing ability, and her strength. She has to wait.

"Are you going to stay in such shitty attitude for the rest of your goddam life.." Joey snapped at sasuke
Sasuke remained silent, three days has passed since Raven left willingly, he wanted to stop her like naruto did, when sasuke was leaving the village on his avenging quest., but he couldn't.
What would he say, they are using her, she already knows that, to beg at her feet, which he already did, but she refused, tell her how much he loved her, but she wouldn't listen or believe.
Betrayal is hard, especially when its from someone you truly value, and love.
"Hey..." Joey growled.
Sasuke got up and went inside the shrine, he found her daggers and sword missing.
He cried, then clutched the pendant, she gave him before, until his eyes fell on her letter.
He reread the letter, and all flashback came to him.
"Best team ever sassy.."
"Because friends never give up on each other sassy..." her voice echoed.
"Because i am your only friend" Naruto's voice echoed.
"I will not let you leave Sasuke" Naruto's memories along with saya came flushing back.
On a firm grip, he stood up.
"Joey.." he said sternly
"We will go and get her back.." Sasuke said sternly.
He looked up, and murmured "thanks naruto, and Saya.. you taught me the value of friendship"

Sequel to My name? (Sasuke x oc)Where stories live. Discover now