Serial Murder

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I couldn't control my emotions, far from. I was in shock. I was scared. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I'd experience something like that...

" So, you don't know who did it? You didn't see someone or something?" Asked the policeman that was interrogating me.

" I don't know who did it, but if I'm correct, then the was about 5.9ft. and wearing black clothing" I quietly answered.

" Useful information. Do you know anything else? Did the person look familiar? Like someone you know? Can it be related to the other murders?" He harshly asked.

" No, I don't think it was someone I know, it didn't look like someone I know, but it could easily be related to the other murders." I answered with a shaking voice.

" You may go home now. Take care of yourself. I'd recommend you find someone that can be with you the upcoming days, to help you get over the shock, ok?" He said looking worried.

" Yes..." I quietly said and stood up.

I stood and looked at the place, where I had found the dead body. I turned around and ran home. It didn't take more than five minutes to come home, because I lived close to the crime scene.

I opened the door and locked the door after me. I closed all windows; I don't want to be attacked. I found my phone in my bag and found Alexanders number. I stood and stared at the phone for a little while and considered if I should call him. He'd just get worried... I packed away the phone and went out in the kitchen.

I took a little piece of cake and some fruit. I made tea for myself too. I sat and munched on the food, and sipping from the tea, while I thought about what had happened. What I had experienced.

For under an hour ago I'd heard a loud scream from the forest surrounding my house. I ran to where the scream had come from and saw a brown-haired boy, deadly injured, but still alive. I looked around and saw a tall person running away, they were dressed in all black. The person ran away really fast. I called the police and an ambulance. They came pretty quickly but the ambulance was too slow. He died. The police interrogated me. I didn't know what I should or even could say, so I just answered.

I want to help find the murder. I don't care if the police told me to stay out of this. The only thing I wanted to do is to help, am I not allowed to do that? I suppose I am allowed to do so.

I walked in the forest, knowing, that I could get attacked any minute. But I was the best fighter in the whole town, I of all people should be able to protect myself.

My hair was loose, which was pretty dumb, if I actually would get attacked. I took my long brown hair and put it up in a bun.

I heard footsteps come closer and of pure reaction I became aware. The footsteps begun running. I stopped and looked around, ready to fight. But no matter how much I looked in between the tall trees, there were no one. Only darkness, but the footsteps were still there, and they came closer.

A figure of a person appeared between the trees. It must be the murderer! The person was dressed in black and they were tall, but the hood was down... He came closer. Slowly I began being able to see the face. It was Alexander... he weren't the murderer. I felt safer now. It wasn't the murder, just Alexander. My best friend.

His face was tender, which suited him. His mile was stunning as always, it could make nearly any girl (or homosexual boy) fall in love. But something was different about his eyes. They didn't shine today. Wonder why?

"Hi Rose! I had a feeling I'd be able to find you in the forest." Alexander happily said.

" Hi!" I said, honestly, I was relived.

Alexander began to run and stopped about a meter away from me. He reached out his arms and I willingly gave him a hug.

But he wouldn't let me go. He fumbled with something in his pocket. It was impossible for me to see what he was doing. Finally, it seemed like he'd found what he'd searched for.

Maybe it was a present for me? It's a possibility.

He lifted his hand and put it behind my back. I felt a sharp blade against my back.

A knife...

Was my best friend the Serial murder? And I was stupid enough to just walk right into my own death!? I began getting scared, and felt the anxiety take over. Should I scream? For help? Was this even real? Or was he messing with me? To see my reaction? How should I feel? Should I trust him? Even if I run away, he'll find me. He knows every single of my hiding spots. Plus he does also have a key to my house. I tried to escape, but his grib was too tight. He put his head on my shoulder and whispered;

"Sorry, but I need to get rid of you. You're the reason my plan won't work. You're spoiling it all."

" I can stop spoiling it, if just you tell me what to stop doing!" I was panicking. My voice was raised but it was about to crack into sobbing.

" I doubt that. Because it doesn't have anything to do with how you act. The thing is that it is your existence it is wrong with. You need to die before my plan will succeed. Sorry. I really wish that it wasn't you I'd have to kill, but that is how things are, so I need to do it. A last word?

" Why?" I said sobbing.

" WHY DO YOU DO THIS!?" I broke down and cried. I couldn't do anything else than to cry. I couldn't even stand on my own legs. He just let me fall down to the ground and cry

My best friend was a murder. He had a plan. The plan was more important than his best friend. His best friend that had been there for him since he was one-and-a-half-year-old. I had been there for him when his parents died, I'd helped him with his problems, I'd been there when he cried, when his girlfriend broke up and even got him out of trouble. Always. Always. I had always been there for him and he was there for me. What was this plan? Was it even necessary for me to know anymore? I was going to die anyways.

I sat up and looked at him after I'd cried for what felt like hours. He just stood there staring at me with the coldest look the universe has ever known. His eyes starred into mine. The look in his eyes cut directly into my soul. I just sat there with tears in my eyes and quivering lips.

" WHY!? Tell me... Why... do you... kill... the innocents?" I shouted the first part but the rest came out as sobbing.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Like Who'd also believe their best friend was a murder?

I stood up. In the far distance I could hear police sirens. They were on their way towards us. Somebody must've heard my shouting and called the police so they can help. The things I have shouted must have been enough information so that they could relate it to the murders.

I looked at him. He attacked me... and I was too weak to fight back. I had cried out all my energy. Everything went black. I was confused about if I was alive or not...

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